Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sunday Shout-Out November 17, 2019

School is just a busy place and this is a busy time of year.  Sometimes we all get lost in all that is going on - myself included.  Despite all the busyness, we have to remind ourselves to take time to really see and listen to our students.  There is so much going on all the time and so much that we are responsible for, it is easy to forget that the RELATIONSHIPS we have with our students is the most important thing!

*Reminders for the week
-Task Analysis due to me by the end of the day on Monday
-Remember to be thinking about your Project Based Learning Experience for the year.  We will discuss at PLC's soon.
-This week we will be doing our six week intervention meetings during PLC so please bring student data.  Also - intervention teachers and special education teachers need to attend the days that their collaborating grade levels meet.
-Thanksgiving House Meeting on Friday during lunch time.  More information will be coming soon.
-Wednesday afternoon at Action Team meetings we will be putting up our House Christmas trees in preparation for Friday. 

This Week at a Glance...
 -21st Century Monitoring Visit
-PD Road Trip to Columbia - leave at 5 pm from CCES - finish the rest of the book
 Progress Reports go home
 -Action Team meeting at 3 pm
 -Dipping Dots
-5 pm Family Literacy and Learning Night at CCHS for all Cumberland County students
 -House Meeting from 11:00 until 12:30

Have a great week!

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