Friday, November 29, 2019

Friday Focus - November 29, 2019

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and got to eat and shop all you wanted.  I know you are ready to start the Christmas season.  It will be a busy but exciting time here at school for the next two and a half weeks.  

MAP testing begins next week.  Please make sure that students know what their goal is for each area that they test in.  Encourage them to do their very best.  I will have small treats in my office for you to get to those students who meet their goal and/or score proficient/distinguished in their tested areas. 

Lower grades will also be doing SNAP and Core testing during the next couple of weeks.

We would also like for all STAR testing to be done the week of December 9th.

We are going to wait and recognize our November Leaders of the Month on Tuesday morning.  Please add your student to the November slide by Monday afternoon.  

Mark your calendars for December 20th at 5:30!  We will have our CCES Christmas Party for all staff and their families.  It will be held at the Veteran's building.   The school will be providing the meats and drinks.  We ask that each family bring a couple of side dishes or desserts.  We will have a sign-up sheet in the office soon.  We will also be doing a gift game so everyone is encouraged to bring a $10-$15 gift. We are also going to have prizes!  Come for a night of fun!


We have had a few parents/family members offer to be volunteers for school.  If you need any help in your classroom or grade level - let me know and I will hook you up!

Next Week at a Glance...

*Meet with Ms. Lisa on your planning to go over Task Analysis.  We are also going to discuss positive behavior rewards for the spring semester 
 Kona Ice Day
 No meeting today


Have a great week!

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