Monday, March 29, 2021

Weekly Update - March 29, 2021

Grade levels that will be having Easter Egg hunts can choose to either do it in the morning or during their afternoon recess time.  Morning times are as follows:

9:00  Little Panthers
9:30  Kindergarten
10:00 1st grade
10:30  2nd grade

-----------VIP PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES--------------

Since our VIP end of the year testing is going to be spread out over several weeks  - we are going to do the same with the conferences.  Homeroom teachers - you can schedule a conference anytime during the assigned week - during your planning or afterschool.  Hopefully this will prevent you from having to spend a lot more time after school doing these.  If you need me, Valerie, Kelli or Tammy to attend one of these meetings - please let us know.  

4th/5th grade - week of 4/12
2nd/3rd grade - week of 4/19
1st grade - week of 4/26
Kindergarten - week of 5/3

Let me know if you have questions!

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