Friday, November 22, 2019

Friday Focus - November 22, 2019

Hang in there - only two days next week!  Monday and Tuesday several students and staff members will be gone on the Wilderness trip.  

For those staying behind, use these two days wisely.  It is a great time to review material already covered or take a couple of days to explore something new.  Just make sure it is beneficial to your students.

*Don't forget to do you peer observation if you haven't already done so - cc Valerie and I in the feedback email you send to the teacher you observed.
*We will be ready to MAP test when we return from Thanksgiving Break.  Every student should know their individual goals before they take the test!  Encourage students to give it their all and reach their goals!
*Monday, December 2nd I will meet with teachers individually on your planning to share the feedback from the task analysis.  
*Remind students that are Ronald McDonald drive ends on Tuesday!
*4th and 5th grade teachers - please remember to do the safety survey with students.  

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