Saturday, November 9, 2019

Saturday Night Live - November 9, 2019

Over $28,000 - what a success!  Thank you for all your hardwork toward our classroom fundraiser and Fall Festival.  Be thinking of whole school needs that we have - we will brainstorm this week during PLC. We will also discuss when we want to do the pizza parties and free afternoons.

A couple of weeks ago I asked you to bring a task/lesson to PLC's that you wanted to improve upon and feedback from your peers.  There was great conversation that came from that and we want to expand on that.

Task analysis is something that we are going to start doing at the district level.  We are asking that every teacher turn in a task that students will complete sometime before Christmas break.  A team will look at that task and give you feedback on it.  Just like before, turn in something that you feel like could be improved upon.  Please have these tasks to me by Monday, November 18th.  When you turn it in - also include a document that describes how this task will be used with students.  You will also want to include the standard that you are wanting to teach and students to practice.  Please be thorough in your description - this will give the team a good idea of how the task will be used in your classes.  If you have questions - please let me know.   

CCES, the 21st Century Learning Center and the UK Extension Office will be having a Family Retreat this Friday night from 5:00 until 8:00.  We need a few staff members to volunteer to help us that night.  This is a great opportunity to get a few planning hours if you still need them! It will mostly involve mingling with families, a little set-up and clean-up and one 30 minute activity with the students!

*We will have Panther Time and PLC's this week.  

Next Week at a Glance...

 3:00-4:00 Open Library
4:00 SBDM meeting
 Kona Ice Day (schedule same as usual)
 Fall Picture retakes and Holiday Pics
3:00 Leadership Team meeting

Mid-term ends - grades need to be posted
5:00 - 8:00 Family House Retreat at CCES 

Have a great week!

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  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...