Friday, November 29, 2019

Friday Focus - November 29, 2019

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and got to eat and shop all you wanted.  I know you are ready to start the Christmas season.  It will be a busy but exciting time here at school for the next two and a half weeks.  

MAP testing begins next week.  Please make sure that students know what their goal is for each area that they test in.  Encourage them to do their very best.  I will have small treats in my office for you to get to those students who meet their goal and/or score proficient/distinguished in their tested areas. 

Lower grades will also be doing SNAP and Core testing during the next couple of weeks.

We would also like for all STAR testing to be done the week of December 9th.

We are going to wait and recognize our November Leaders of the Month on Tuesday morning.  Please add your student to the November slide by Monday afternoon.  

Mark your calendars for December 20th at 5:30!  We will have our CCES Christmas Party for all staff and their families.  It will be held at the Veteran's building.   The school will be providing the meats and drinks.  We ask that each family bring a couple of side dishes or desserts.  We will have a sign-up sheet in the office soon.  We will also be doing a gift game so everyone is encouraged to bring a $10-$15 gift. We are also going to have prizes!  Come for a night of fun!


We have had a few parents/family members offer to be volunteers for school.  If you need any help in your classroom or grade level - let me know and I will hook you up!

Next Week at a Glance...

*Meet with Ms. Lisa on your planning to go over Task Analysis.  We are also going to discuss positive behavior rewards for the spring semester 
 Kona Ice Day
 No meeting today


Have a great week!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Friday Focus - November 22, 2019

Hang in there - only two days next week!  Monday and Tuesday several students and staff members will be gone on the Wilderness trip.  

For those staying behind, use these two days wisely.  It is a great time to review material already covered or take a couple of days to explore something new.  Just make sure it is beneficial to your students.

*Don't forget to do you peer observation if you haven't already done so - cc Valerie and I in the feedback email you send to the teacher you observed.
*We will be ready to MAP test when we return from Thanksgiving Break.  Every student should know their individual goals before they take the test!  Encourage students to give it their all and reach their goals!
*Monday, December 2nd I will meet with teachers individually on your planning to share the feedback from the task analysis.  
*Remind students that are Ronald McDonald drive ends on Tuesday!
*4th and 5th grade teachers - please remember to do the safety survey with students.  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sunday Shout-Out November 17, 2019

School is just a busy place and this is a busy time of year.  Sometimes we all get lost in all that is going on - myself included.  Despite all the busyness, we have to remind ourselves to take time to really see and listen to our students.  There is so much going on all the time and so much that we are responsible for, it is easy to forget that the RELATIONSHIPS we have with our students is the most important thing!

*Reminders for the week
-Task Analysis due to me by the end of the day on Monday
-Remember to be thinking about your Project Based Learning Experience for the year.  We will discuss at PLC's soon.
-This week we will be doing our six week intervention meetings during PLC so please bring student data.  Also - intervention teachers and special education teachers need to attend the days that their collaborating grade levels meet.
-Thanksgiving House Meeting on Friday during lunch time.  More information will be coming soon.
-Wednesday afternoon at Action Team meetings we will be putting up our House Christmas trees in preparation for Friday. 

This Week at a Glance...
 -21st Century Monitoring Visit
-PD Road Trip to Columbia - leave at 5 pm from CCES - finish the rest of the book
 Progress Reports go home
 -Action Team meeting at 3 pm
 -Dipping Dots
-5 pm Family Literacy and Learning Night at CCHS for all Cumberland County students
 -House Meeting from 11:00 until 12:30

Have a great week!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Saturday Night Live - November 9, 2019

Over $28,000 - what a success!  Thank you for all your hardwork toward our classroom fundraiser and Fall Festival.  Be thinking of whole school needs that we have - we will brainstorm this week during PLC. We will also discuss when we want to do the pizza parties and free afternoons.

A couple of weeks ago I asked you to bring a task/lesson to PLC's that you wanted to improve upon and feedback from your peers.  There was great conversation that came from that and we want to expand on that.

Task analysis is something that we are going to start doing at the district level.  We are asking that every teacher turn in a task that students will complete sometime before Christmas break.  A team will look at that task and give you feedback on it.  Just like before, turn in something that you feel like could be improved upon.  Please have these tasks to me by Monday, November 18th.  When you turn it in - also include a document that describes how this task will be used with students.  You will also want to include the standard that you are wanting to teach and students to practice.  Please be thorough in your description - this will give the team a good idea of how the task will be used in your classes.  If you have questions - please let me know.   

CCES, the 21st Century Learning Center and the UK Extension Office will be having a Family Retreat this Friday night from 5:00 until 8:00.  We need a few staff members to volunteer to help us that night.  This is a great opportunity to get a few planning hours if you still need them! It will mostly involve mingling with families, a little set-up and clean-up and one 30 minute activity with the students!

*We will have Panther Time and PLC's this week.  

Next Week at a Glance...

 3:00-4:00 Open Library
4:00 SBDM meeting
 Kona Ice Day (schedule same as usual)
 Fall Picture retakes and Holiday Pics
3:00 Leadership Team meeting

Mid-term ends - grades need to be posted
5:00 - 8:00 Family House Retreat at CCES 

Have a great week!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sunday Shoutout - November 3, 2019

It's here!  The classroom competition has been a huge success so far - we are almost at $22,000.  Great job of reaching and surpassing our goal of $18,000.

We are going to move all activities for Friday night indoors due to the forecasted high for Friday being 43 degrees.  We will still have games, music, and plenty of food.  We are not going to have the bouncy houses or the giant slide 😥.  I have attached a picture below of the location of events. If you have questions - please let us know.  We will have a brief teacher's meeting on Wednesday afternoon to finalize plans.  Please invite, invite, invite through Remind.  We will be announcing the classroom winners for the zoo trip at 6:45 in the gym.

*Fall Leadership Retreat on Thursday beginning at 4 pm at the state park.  This is always so much fun and I don't expect any less this year!

*No Panther Time or PLC's this week

*No 21st Century classes this week

This Week at a Glance...
 Announcing Leaders of the Month at morning assembly - several have not added yours to the slide - please do so before Wednesday morning
*3 pm - brief teachers meeting to finalize plans for Fall Festival
 Leadership Retreat from 4-7 at DHLSP
 9 am - 4th and 5th grade attend Veteran's Day program at CCHS
FALL FESTIVAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great short week!

  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...