Monday, January 25, 2021

Weekly Update - January 25th, 2021


Arts Inclusion Grant

CCES has been awarded an Arts Inclusion grant from the Kentucky Arts Council.  This will provide materials for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders to complete an art project working with local artist - Ms. Pat Ritter.  This project will take place the week of Feb 8th thru February 11th (we are skipping February 12th) and then finish up with the 5th day on Tuesday, February 16th.  She will instruct and lead the project and teachers will just need to be ready to facilitate.  

-This will be the special class content for 3rd - 5th grade for that week so there will not need to be any additional special class content planned for those days.

-All materials that are needed for the project will be delivered to your class beforehand.  

There are some schedule changes for these grade levels.  I have talked individually with each grade level about these changes.

3rd grade

Lunch will be at regular time.

Art project - 12:40-1:25

Recess - 2:00-2:25

4th grade

Art project - 11:30-12:15

Lunch will be at 12:15

Recess will be at regular time.

5th grade

Lunch - 11:45

Recess - 12:30-12:55

Art Project - 1:50-2:35

**If you have questions about any of this - please let me know.  

We will be celebrating Valentine's Day here on Friday, February 12th.  We can have special snack/party food - just make sure all items are store bought.  Students can bring in Valentine's boxes/bags and cards to share. Teachers may want to pass out the bulk of items to cut down on students sharing.  Also please make sure students wash their hands/sanitize before passing out their Valentine's cards.  

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