Thursday, February 4, 2021

Weekly Update - February 4, 2021

Mrs. Parson sent this link in email this week.  If you have not already checked it out - please do so.  This is a really good indication of what we are preparing students for as far as assessment goes. 

After looking at survey results, we have decided that we are going to do two more Panther Stores during the remainder of the year.  We will do one on March 2nd for January and February.  Please continue doing behavior calendars and some system of awarding Panther Bucks.  We will give more details about the Panther Store toward the end of the month.  

Jason Lindsey will be conducting a live science show on February 18th for all CCES students @ 1:00.   It will be a 30 minute live science show with hands-on activity. The students will receive an activity kit to be completed at that time with Jason Lindsey. Also, the students will receive a 2nd kit for family science engagement activity where the students take it home to complete with parents.  A 15 minute pre recorded video will be provided for families to watch that evening or over the weekend.   Students that complete the family engagement activity (post a photo) will have their name entered into a drawing.   We will draw the following Monday, February  22nd.  The family portion will need to be through Google Classroom. 

Next Week at a Glance...

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  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...