Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Weekly Update - January 13, 2021



Since we didn't get to celebrate Thanksgiving at school this year and since we are having turkey and dressing on Friday for lunch, we decided to make it a "thing" and do a little Fun Friday Friendsgiving.  We will have pajama day on Friday for students and staff so we can eat until we are stuffed at lunch.  We will also have a special video on Friday morning at morning meeting to share with everyone.  Please share info about pajama day with your parents through remind.

PLC's are going to meet next week to discuss MAP, Star and Core data.  Please bring all pertinent data to the meeting so we can discuss student progress and plans for the rest of the year.

We will meet in the library.  We will have a working lunch.  It may take most of your planning that day so I wanted  you to be prepared for that.  

Tuesday 1/19 - 3rd grade 1100-1230

Wednesday 1/20 - 1st grade 1000-1130

                              4th grade 1130-100

Thursday 1/21 - Kindergarten 1030-1200

                          5th grade 1200-130

Friday 1/22 - 2nd grade  1045-1215

Our leadership team at CCES has always been open to any staff who wanted to join and we've always had several people to participate.  To be safe, we need to have a smaller group.  We are going to be forming the group in the next week or so.  If you want to be a part of the leadership team - please let me know.  We are thinking 12 people or less so we can social distance when we meet.  We normally meet once per month and hopefully will have our first meeting sometime in January.  

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