Monday, November 9, 2020

Weekly Update - November 9, 2020


We are into our 2nd week of virtual learning.  Thank you for all your hard work.  I know there have been hundreds of parent and student contacts and countless hours put into it.  

I have had a few conversations with teachers over the past few days about "how much work is enough" and "how long should students be spending on their virtual work?"  I don't know that anyone has a "right" answer for this one.  We need to find a balance between enough work to count for a school day and what is feasible and realistic for students to do at home with little or no help.  

I am sure we all have different opinions about this but I think a good middle ground is about 30 minutes per content area for grades 3-5 and 15-20 minutes per content area for grades K-2.  This means that the average student would spend a couple of hours in the upper grades and about an hour in the lower grades.

Hopefully this will be helpful as you plan the rest of your lessons for the week.  Thank you for all you are doing.  

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Weekly Update - October 29th, 2020



We are going to begin a 50/50 work schedule to avoid so many people being in the building at one time.  Please do not come to school and work during times that others are here and you are not assigned to work unless you get special permission.  Remember, you are to work each day - whether at home or at school.  It is important that you keep a log of your activities each day while we are on virtual instruction.  If you are classified instructional staff - someone will be letting you know your duties.  

*Friday/Wednesday - the next day that you work - I ask that you deep clean your classroom/work area really well. Clean all highly touched surfaces well.   Janitors will be sweeping and mopping all classrooms tomorrow.  

As you plan virtual instruction, try to continue on with the learning that has been happening in your classroom.  For different grade levels - this looks different.  Do what works well for your students.  We learned a great deal about virtual instruction the first week and a half  - remember those things.  Trying to make contact with students multiple times is a good idea.  

As we go on the next loop of this rollercoaster, work to keep you and your family safe!  Hopefully in a couple of weeks our numbers will be much better here.  

Friday, October 23, 2020

Weekly Update - October 23rd, 2020

Next week our goal is to visit our VIP students.  If you have something that you need delivered to them - please let us know. 

Reminder that peer observation training and the observation itself needs to be complete by the end of the month.  


Everyone probably already knows this but we are allowing students to dress up for Halloween next week.  You can also plan to have special snack on Friday afternoon for Halloween.  Make sure all snacks are store bought. 

This is going to be extended through next week!

We will be having a Pink Out Day on Tuesday for Breast Cancer Awareness!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Weekly Update: October 16, 2020


This week I wanted to spotlight our Family Resource center.  Ms. Kristi works daily communicating with parents about attendance, health issues and needs they may have.  She also works with several community agencies to meet needs in our area.  Please remember you can reach out to Ms. Kristi about any of your students and needs they may have.  

*If a child makes an indication that they don't have enough food to eat over the weekend, you can refer them to the backpack program.

*FRC is also taking referrals right now for the Salvation Army's Angel Tree drive.  Please let Ms. Kristi know about any students who you believe would have little to no Christmas without help.

If you haven't already done so, please have your class complete the STAR test for the 2nd round.  Remember to discuss with students their score last time and their goal for this next testing session.

*2nd AR Goal begins on Monday
*All grades for the 1st nine weeks need to be posted by the end of the day on Tuesday
*report cards go home on Thursday

Have a great week!

Friday, October 2, 2020

Weekly Update - October 2, 2020

I am so tremendously proud of how well this first portion of the school year has went.  There have been so many changes but it has went so well.  That is thanks to you all for the effort you have put into making this year great for our students.  Remember after fall break to continue with all the safeguards we have put in place to stop the spread of illness like handwashing, frequent sanitizing, social distancing and the wearing of face coverings.  


Teachers please do not join the Morning Meeting on Google Meet until 7:32 or after.  I need to be the first person to join the meeting so I am the owner of it.  If another teacher joins first, they become the owner of the meeting and I lose the control to mute participants or kick them out of the meeting.  As we have more and more students at home joining our meetings, it is important that I have those abilities.  

PLC's will meet on Monday and Tuesday when we return.  Please bring your MAP scores with you so we can discuss.  

We will be having an Exact Path training on Wednesday afternoon at 3:15.  I will send you the link to the meeting.  I would like everyone to attend this training.  I think it is going to be another good resource for us to use.

Kona Ice truck will be here on Friday, October 16th.  Please share this with your parents on Remind.   VIP students will  be able to come purchase Kona Ice if they would like.  Social distancing and other guidelines will be in place.

Please take your class out to the Kona Ice truck during your recess time.   Please just stay distanced from other classes while you are out there.  

Hope you enjoy your Fall Break - you deserve a great one!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Weekly Update - September 25th, 2020

It is so hard to believe that we are one week away from fall break.  This first nine weeks has flown by.  It has been a great few weeks of in-person school even though it has been so different than anything we have experienced in the past.  As crazy as it seems  - school seems pretty normal right now.   

As with almost anything in life, we can choose to look at the positive or negative.  We can focus on the fact that we have to wear masks, take temps, regulate how far kids are standing apart, balance in-person and VIP, and the list goes.

OR  - we can focus on the positive.  We have kids that are extremely happy to be at school, class sizes are significantly smaller than they have ever been, we have fewer discipline problems, we are connecting with students on a whole new level, we have had 0 cases of Covid-19 after several weeks of in-person instruction, and that list goes on too.

Even when life is can still be good.  It is up to us.  



-Please complete MAP testing for all in-person students before fall break.

-Don't forget our Retirement Celebration for Mrs. Emily at 315 in the library.

-Next Thursday will be our Panther Store for August and September.  Remember to have students count how many Panther Bucks they have as of Wednesday afternoon.  The Panther Store will be in the library and open at 8 am on Thursday.  Teachers can bring their class or they can take students orders and go get the things for them.  We will have it set up but only have one staff member in there working the store all day.  Teachers will need to collect the bucks and help the students get their items at the store.

  • Students should not touch items at the store.  They will only pick up the items they are purchasing.
  • Remember to have students buy big ticket items and not just buy several $1 and $2 dollar things - we don't have the inventory for that.  
  • I am attaching the slideshow that has the items we have.  Please share that with your students.  
  • Please sign up for the time you want to come or bring your class.  The 2nd slide on the slideshow has the sign-up.  
-Tuesday and Thursday we will be having our Fall Parent/Teacher conferences.  I will be sending out locations for all non-homeroom staff on Monday.  Each night it will be from 3:30-6:30.  

Friday, September 18, 2020

Weekly Update - September 18, 2020


We ask that each grade level complete MAP testing with their in-person students sometime during the next couple of weeks - before fall break.  The window is open and everything should be set to go for that testing.  MAP testing is another piece of data to use to gauge how a student is performing.  It is also a requirement for us to give a universal screener as part of our reading and math grants from the state.  Please encourage students to work hard and do their best!

  • Please submit the No Internet list on this sheet by Monday afternoon.  
  • If you are supposed to be evaluated this first window - please schedule that first observation with Mrs. Valerie or Mrs. Lisa.
Enjoy this beautiful weekend!  The weather is going to be perfect!

Friday, September 11, 2020

Weekly Update - September 11, 2020


There is so much we are learning and adjusting to with this virus. Information about this virus has been made very public and the line between what can be shared and what can't be shared may be hard to see.  Please remember that any information about a student's health (symptoms, diagnosis, etc) is private information under HIPAA.   If a parent gives you information about their child's health - please don't share that with anyone who doesn't have a need to know.  Also - please understand that the nurse isn't allowed to give out information either.  A nurse who discloses that information could lose their nursing licenses.

Homeroom teachers - please go back in your IC attendance to the first day of in-person classes and mark your VIP students as participating.  If there is a student that has not done any work for a particular day, then mark them as not participating. 


Please remember to put in a lunch/breakfast count each day.  Also make sure that students need to take the lunch they ordered and not change their mind when they get to the room.


Please remember to get your dairy products from the cafeteria cooler if you haven't already done so.  There is a food truck coming in Monday and there won't be room in there.


Please take the One School One Book survey if you haven't already done so.    

*SBDM meeting at 4 pm on Monday in library.
*RTA/MAF meeting at 3:15  on Tuesday.  

Thursday, September 3, 2020

CCES Weeky Update - September 3, 2020



Hopefully the changes that we are making to our virtual program are being beneficial to everyone involved.  This week has been a sort of "change over" week so hopefully next week it will be in full implementation.  Feedback from parents shows that they find the teacher videos to be extremely beneficial for the students.  I had conversation with several teachers yesterday and asked them to share with their grade level team members.  We would like to continue with the teacher video to some degree.  I am asking that each teacher submit one video per week for their content area.  For each grade level, that will be a total of three or four videos.  This should be an instructional video that either previews or reviews the learning for the week and should align with the content they are receiving through their VIP lessons.  We would like each video to be submitted on a different day.  My understanding is that all teachers are still teachers in the VIP Google Classroom so each one should be able to submit their own video.  If you have questions - please let me know.  And - thank you for being so flexible as we are building this plane. 

The Leadership Team meeting met on Wednesday and discussed the following:

1.  We are going to ask Kona Ice to come back once per month. I'll send a schedule as soon as I have it.

2.  Panther Cards - we are going to see the Panther cards as a fall fundraiser.  We usually sell those in the spring but didn't this past year.  Details will be coming soon.

3. Leader of the Month - it was decided to continue doing Leader of the Month but let each teacher choose their own along with their own criteria for selecting the leader.  Each teacher can reward their student in their classroom.  We will recognize the Leaders of the Month on the last Friday of each month at our morning meeting.  There will be a slide for you to add yours to.  We will do it for the first time on September 25th.  If you selected one for August - you can also recognize them as well.

4.  Panther Bucks - we want to implement our Panther Buck system again this year.  If you are new to CCES and don't know about this - ask your mentor or one of your team members.  Students earn $1 for each green day, $0 for yellow and lose a $1 for red.  We will do the Panther Store on October 1st.  

5.  Morning Assembly - please update the morning slides.  We are going to be recognizing students each day.

6.  House - we are postponing all house/pod activities for this year and hope we can pick up next year.

7.  We are going to do Spirit Week September thru Oct 2nd.  Andrea sent info out earlier about that.  

*Summer readers are receiving book fair gift certificates - they should be in your mailbox
*Library Coloring contest sheets will be in homeroom teachers mailboxes by tomorrow afternoon.  

Tuesday, September 8th 3:15/library - RTA/MAF meeting - calendar invite has been sent 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Friday Focus - August 28, 2020


It has been a great week for our first few days of in-person learning.  Thank you for working hard to make it good for our students!  

-Please make sure all students take the STAR test.  We will use that to set AR goals for the first nine weeks.

-Next week we will be making the change with our VIP program.  Homeroom teachers please remember to keep contact with your VIP students.  Mrs. Kelli will be giving you weekly updates.

We know that cases are rising and we want to do the best we can to help stop the spread.  Please remember this with co-workers - as well as students.  I think we are taking all precautions to social distance with students.  As you are having lunch  or planning with co-workers - remember the rule of 6 ft - especially for anything over a few minutes.  

*Leadership Team meeting in the library next Wednesday at 3:15 pm!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Finishing Up the Year

With only two weeks left in the school year, we are working on winding things down for the year.  

*We are going to have another pick-up day on Wednesday, May 13th from 11-5.  Here is the schedule so that special class, special ed, intervention and instructional assistants can sign up to work.  

Unfortunately, only 10 people will be allowed to attend our drive-in graduation.  This means it will be limited to administration, kindergarten teachers and instructional assistants, and 5th grade teachers.

*All staff needs to continue filling out the Teacher Activity logs for each SLED day through May 15th.  

Homeroom Teachers

1.  Please work collaboratively through Google to come up with class list using this link.  Remember to omit any students who are being retained or students who are accelerating.  Go over the list to make sure you don't miss anyone.  This may not be the final list but it is definitely the skeleton of it.  You, as the current teachers, know the needs of the students and your input is so important.  

2.  I would also like each grade level to collaborate and create a supply list. Please send those to me and we will publicize sometime this summer.

3.  I would also like each grade level to create a schedule for next year and submit to me!  Again - we may have to make some changes to it but it is a great starting point.

*Please have these three items submitted by this Friday, May 8th!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday April 24th Update

Hey guys!  I hope things are going well for you as we continue on with this. There are some important things we need to do to begin to wrap this year up.  Please read and attend to these matters.

1.  I would like for all homeroom teachers to do a Google Meet with your homeroom sometime during the week of May 11th - 15th.  This can serve as a wrap-up for the year.  You will probably want to do some recognitions for the year.  I know a lot of you do cute little character awards normally - this would be a great time to do that.  Be creative and make it fun for all.  Not all will attend - but it will be memorable for those that do.  

2. Homeroom teachers - please bag up all student belongings that are in your classroom. Just use Wal-mart plastic bags from home and attach a full sheet of copy paper with the student's name on the bag.  These need to be easy to read so we can find them quickly. Bring those bags to the gym.  I will have a designated spot for each grade level to put their bags in ALPHABETICAL ORDER.  All bags need to be in the gym by Thursday, April 30th.  

3.  On Friday, May 1st we are going to have a pick-up day for parents to come pick up their child's belongings.  We will post details on FB and I'll send out to you for you to put on Remind. Basically parents will pull up to gym gate, we will radio inside the names of the student and runners will bring the bags out to the car.  We are going to do this from 8-4.  I am asking special class, special education, intervention and instructional assistants to sign up to work a time slot to serve as runners on this day.  Here is the sign-up sheet.  

4.  We are going to ask for all SLED work to be turned in by May 5th.  We will put a post on FB but you can share with parents as well.  Homeroom teachers - please have your spreadsheet for SLED Days 5-30 complete and to Andrea and Valerie by Friday, May 8th so they can put those FP, PP and NP in IC.  

5.  Please have rooms cleaned out and ready for summer cleaning by Friday, May 8th.  Please have desks and chairs out in the hall.  

6.  If you find library books in your classroom - please take those to the library.  They are going to put a cart outside the library for those books.  

Please let me know if you have questions.  We are working to make this as smooth as possible!

Monday, April 13, 2020

SLED Day 19 - April 13th, 2020

I hope everyone enjoyed their Spring Break at home.  We are back to our SLED Days.  I think it is really important that we really communicate with students and families this week to get back working on SLED work.  It will be easy for them to slip away from doing it since we have been off for the week.  So please send Remind messages and do FB videos to get students geared back up to doing that SLED work again.  Continue doing all the great work you were doing that was above and beyond.  Make sure that if you share that on FB through a grade-level or classroom group - invite me to that group so I can see all that is going on.  

The district has used Title 1 money to purchase balls, board games, art supplies and other items that students can have at home.  We want to get these to some of our students we are worried about and those who may not have many activities at home.  

This week Valerie, Andrea and I are going to deliver a few items to these students.  We would like to check on these students each week with a home visit from some of us.  Here is the spreadsheet.  Please sign up for a couple of you to visit your students during the next few weeks.  This can be homeroom teachers, instructional assistants, special education teachers, special class teachers, etc.  

-Please go with someone -  don't go alone.  If you are not being with anyone outside of your home, it is okay for a spouse to ride with you.  You do what you feel is safe.  
-Stop by the central office and pick up a couple of items to take.  Don't take too much - we want to stretch out the items so we have reasons to go back each week.  Add on the spreadsheet what you take so that we don't duplicate items.  
-Don't go in the house and don't make physical contact.  It is always good to call before you go and let them know you are bringing them something.  We want to feel safe in doing this.  You can wear your masks and gloves if that makes you feel better.  
-If you have questions or need directions - let us know.


Also - now is a great time to get busy on your Google Certification- I know you all are excited!

Please continue to check email daily.  Michelle Cash is sending the info weekly about food deliveries.  

Also - plan for us to do a Google Hangouts meeting on Wednesday afternoon at 3 pm.  I will send an invitation with the code to join.   I have some info I want to share with you then about how we are going to proceed through the rest of the year.  

Thanks for all you are doing to make this work!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

SLED Day 18 & Spring Break

Well spring break is here!  I know this is not the usual feelings that accompany this time of year but I am thankful regardless.  These past three weeks have went well.  All our students seem to be adjusting.  Food distribution has went well and so many families have been helped with this service. You all have stepped up and adjusted to a new normal.

I know everyone is going to be super excited to expand your professional learning through Google!  That's right - we have a goal for everyone to complete their Google certification.  If you have never completed Level 1  - now is the time.  If you already have Level 1 - move on to Level 2.  Our goal is to have everyone complete this by the end of the school year.  

Here is the link to the site.  Go ahead and pay for the test when you get ready to take it.  Then email the receipt to Michelle or Jill and fill out the expense reimbursement form

When you get to the site - there are training exercises as well as practice exercises.  You do not have to complete all those but do what you need to do to feel comfortable taking the exam.  

Please don't worry about this over Spring Break.  I just wanted to let you know that is our goal for the year as people have asked about what they need to be doing at home.  I wanted to go ahead and get it out there for those who want to go ahead and get started.  


As we get SLED work turned in - I am bringing it in and spraying it with disinfectant and letting it sit for a few days.  I will then put it in your mailbox so by the time it gets to you - it should be germ free. 

Hope you enjoy your week.  Please continue to check email throughout the week as I am sure we will be sending info/updates about food distribution work and other things.  Have a great one!

Monday, March 30, 2020

SLED Day #15 Update

Just wanted to give a quick update with where we are as of right now.

-Remember this is a four day week for school - so SLED days 15-18 are happening this week. 
-Packets needs to go out by the end of the week so please attend to that.
-We do not have any answers at this point about whether we will return to school. 
-In the next few weeks, we will have a discussion about retaining students who we are worried about going on to the next grade.  Just hold off on those now.  
-We have put a tote on the front porch for students to put their SLED work in.  We will collect what is turned in.  I think the state is going to waive us having to turn in student samples so don't stress about that.

As you work on videos for the days ahead - please add in teaching content.  We have done a terrific job getting on their showing our love and support but if you are like me - you feel like you are saying the same things over and over.  A great idea is to do a short mini-lesson about the topics on the choiceboard for that day.  Screencastify is a Google extension that allows you to show your screen and insert a video of yourself teaching.  Another great app is Flipgrid.  You may want to use something you've found yourself.  Mr. Dodson sent out a video tutorial about some of these tools a couple of weeks ago. Check it out! 

Stay home and stay healthy!  

Monday, March 23, 2020

SLED Day #10 Update

We are one week in to this unprecedented time.  Considering the circumstances, I think last week went unbelievably well.  There was so much posted to FB to give families plenty of options of things to do at home. I know there were tons of parent/student contacts made.  There is more happening than I can even keep track of and that is great!  I know there were Zoom meetings, notes sent home, and lots of other neat things happening.  I so appreciate all of it and your openness to try new things during this time.  

Food distribution is going well.  Many of us will start helping with that process tomorrow.   We have worked over the weekend calling families to try to get as many meals as possible shifted to pickup so that our delivery numbers can stay manageable.  We are working to get a system in place that is doable for several weeks.  Please be patient and accommodating this week as you work meal distribution.  The plan is for right now that on Fridays Michelle Cash will send out an invitation of who can work the next week and she will make a schedule based on that.

Several people have asked about collecting SLED work.  The best I can say is to not worry about it at this point.  We are talking about ways we can do it without have any physical contact with people - like a dropoff box outside.  As soon as we have something in place - I will let you know.  However, communication from KDE seems to say - get what NTI work you can get and not worry about it. So don't be stressing about that now. I think a good plan is to stay on top of the online work that your students are doing.

Packets have been mailed home and most are already getting those.  However, we know that some addresses are wrong in IC and not all will receive.  Remind parents that if they see your Remind messages and/or Facebook - they don't have to have a physical packet.  The only people that needs those are people who do not have access to the choiceboards any other way.  With this in mind, it is important that each teacher and grade level remembers to post those choiceboards each day on FB and through Remind.  If a parent contacts you that needs a choiceboard in physical form - contact me and let me know. 

I am also planning for us to do a virtual staff meeting on Wednesday afternoon at 4 pm for all those that can join us.  We are going to try this through Google Hangouts so download that to your phone before that time.  You can do this from home.  If you have questions about it - let me know. On Wednesday afternoon - you will get an email from me to join the meeting.

Thank you all for being the best!  Have a good day!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

SLED Day #8 - March 19, 2020

If this doesn't sum up my feelings right now, nothing does.  I am trying to grit my teeth and keep a smile on my face but this adjusting to our new normal for a while is hard!

I made three videos to post to this blog instead of typing - they wouldn't load.  So now I am just typing it all out - like I should have done in the first place!  Just joking...  

Just like you, I feel like I am being pushed to do things that are unfamiliar and uncomfortable to me.  And I don't like it...but I know it is part of it. 

I am listening to my kids argue in my office and think how can I do this for ____ more weeks!

But as all these thoughts go through my mind - I know that I am still stuck in my selfish ways.  It is so natural for me to not be grateful for what I have right now.  Of course, it is easy to look back to two weeks ago and think about how grateful I should have been then.  But what about now?  Shouldn't I be thankful for all that I have now?  I feel like I have  lot of lessons to learn in this new season.

Here is the update for today:
-No results yet.  We are really hoping for tomorrow morning.
-Thanks for all the videos.  They are WONDERFUL!  Keep them coming. 
-First grade is sending cards to all their students.  That is a great idea for any one else who wants to do that.  Sonya has stamps here you can use.
-I am going to share Karen's system of keeping up with SLED work for this extended time period. Share what you are doing too!  We just don't want to get behind,
-As soon as we get the all clear, I will send a doc out asking for volunteers for next week with food distribution.

Have a good evening with your families!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

COVID-19 Update - March 17, 2020

Hello CCES Staff!

I just wanted to check in with you this evening.  First off, we still do not have any information about the tested individual that I emailed you about last night.  As soon as I get that information from health officials - I will pass that on to you.  Here is some information I feel like you should know:

  • We are at a very low risk from our exposure even if that test comes back positive.  CCES staff did not have any contact with the tested individual to our knowledge - excluding one person.  That one person is our secondary link who we were only with for a short amount of time.  Our decision to ask CCES staff to stay home was overly cautious.
  • If the test comes back with a negative result, we will still ask you to mainly work remotely at home - as Dr. B's email stated today.  However, if some of you want to help with the food deliveries next week, that would be great.  Toward the end of the week, I will check back with you on that.
  • If the test comes back with a positive result, we will continue to proceed with caution. That would mean that we would ask CCES staff to not return to work for another week or so - even to help with food deliveries.  
I say all of this to keep you informed and keep you from worrying.  We are going to get through this!

Secondly, thank you all for your work so far.  You all are doing a great job of communicating with your families each day.  Keep doing that!

I would like to encourage you to post videos for your students to see on Facebook.  It can be just a few minutes of you getting on there to say hi or discuss something on the choiceboard for the day.  Due to everything being cancelled and students spending so much time at home - they really are missing school.  I think it would make them feel a lot better to see your face.  I plan on looking half way presentable tomorrow and posting something too!  I know that makes a lot of us uncomfortable (I hate pictures and videos of myself).  However, it is a great chance for us to try something new and be of benefit to our students.  

I loved the pic that I shared at the top.  All of this is definitely a CHANGE, but it gives us the CHANCE to reach out in new ways to our students and families!

I love you guys and can't wait til we are back to normal.  Through this all, I have learned that we take way too much for granted!  

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Sunday Night Shout Out - March 15, 2020

What a different Sunday night Shout Out this will be.  Who would have ever dreamed even this time last week that we would be facing what we are facing tonight.  However, we will do what needs to be done and pray for the absolute best to become of this. 

****First of all, if you do not feel comfortable coming in to work at anytime, because of sickness or pre-existing conditions, you do not have to do so.  Coming in to work is not mandatory.

With that being said, we do need people that feel comfortable doing so, to come in this week.  We have some initial work that needs to be done.  As time goes on, we will adjust the schedule as we need to.  We will not ask people to come in if there is not work to be done.

Monday, March 16th

Please sign in with this Google Form

When you come to work tomorrow, go straight to your classroom or assigned work area.  We strongly recommend that people do not congregate together in a location.  I understand that grade level teachers may need to get together to work on your Sled choiceboards.  If you do, please keep your distance from one another.  If you bring your children, they need to stay in your classroom.

We know that most of you will probably not want to go out and eat lunch.  You can bring your lunch with you and when we are finished - you can go home for the day.  


You will be working on your Sled Choiceboards. Our game plan has changed since Thursday afternoon.  We are not doing two different plans like we talked about.  We are doing one choiceboard for each day (11-20) just like we have the other days.  There will not be additional sheets added to the packet.  That means that each activity needs to fit into the box.  Students will still choose three activities to do each day.  At least three of those activities need to be paper and pencil activities.  Here is the link to the template for teachers to work on these. 

1.  Open the link above.
2.  Make a copy of the doc and save it as ____ Grade SLED Choiceboard Day 11. Don't make changes to my template. Make a separate doc for each day. Each grade level should have 10 separate docs - one for each day.  Share that with all your team members, special ed collaborating teacher, Valerie, Andrea, Whitney, Sonya, Michelle Cash and myself. 

I would also suggest that each grade level add other activities that are optional for parents to do with their students.  These may include links to resources, reading together, math facts, etc.   

Our goal is that these choiceboards are done by the end of the day.  

*If you were to finish early, you can always begin cleaning on your rooms.  


Your assignment for the day is to call and make contact with families who have not signed up for meals.  We will meet in the library at 8:30 to divide up the names and numbers.  Please spread out in the library and do not sit together.  This is the easiest and fastest way to get the information to you. Before 8:30 - please be cleaning your work area.  

Here are some links and information you will need to make the calls.  But I will explain all of this tomorrow.

Parent Questions Extended Sled

Working Household Sheet

Household Info

*Our goal is to get this completely finished and make contact with all families before we leave tomorrow.


Sunday, March 8, 2020

Sunday Night Shout Out - March 8, 2020

To say that we never know what we are going to deal with next at school is an understatement.  The news of coronovirus-19 hitting Kentucky over the weekend will be on the minds of parents as they send their children to school this week.  Here are some things we should be doing for extra precaution:

-Handwashing - this is an absolute must.  Please ensure that students are washing their hands multiple times during the day - especially before eating and after bathroom breaks.  Talk to your students about this importance of good handwashing and the correct procedure.  You may also want to double check to make sure they are doing it.
-Discuss with students about the importance of covering your mouth when you sneeze or cough.
-Disinfect daily your desks, door knobs, computers and i-pads, and any other areas that are touched frequently.  

All of these things are good practice all the time!

We will be having a special guest come speak with us on March 16th from 3:15 until 4:45 about how to help our students who have been subjected to trauma.  This is not a mandatory meeting but for anyone who wants to come. This will also be our last PD opportunity of the year if you need hours.  


This Week at a Glance...

-3rd grade ELA Live Scoring
-Meatball Lunch Fundraiser for Matthew Spears
-SBDM meeting at 4 pm
-Open Library afterschool
 Report Cards go home
 Live Scoring 4th and 5th grade Math
 No 21st Century
 No School  😀

  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...