Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Weekly Update: October 16, 2020


This week I wanted to spotlight our Family Resource center.  Ms. Kristi works daily communicating with parents about attendance, health issues and needs they may have.  She also works with several community agencies to meet needs in our area.  Please remember you can reach out to Ms. Kristi about any of your students and needs they may have.  

*If a child makes an indication that they don't have enough food to eat over the weekend, you can refer them to the backpack program.

*FRC is also taking referrals right now for the Salvation Army's Angel Tree drive.  Please let Ms. Kristi know about any students who you believe would have little to no Christmas without help.

If you haven't already done so, please have your class complete the STAR test for the 2nd round.  Remember to discuss with students their score last time and their goal for this next testing session.

*2nd AR Goal begins on Monday
*All grades for the 1st nine weeks need to be posted by the end of the day on Tuesday
*report cards go home on Thursday

Have a great week!

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