Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sunday Shoutout - August 25th, 2019

Four months until Christmas Day - that is what struck me as I typed the date at the top of the blog.  Isn't that unbelievable?  We have 12 days of school already behind us and time is rolling by.  I recently read a comment about parenthood that said "The days are long but the years are short."  I think that applies to school as well.  I know some of us have already had some long days but the year will fly by.  This is the one year you have been given with this particular group of students and each one of them individually.  No one is on your roster by accident.  Take those hard days and move on.  Put the bad and the negative behind you.  Work to make better days ahead.  It is what we are here to do.

August Leaders of the Month
By this Friday, please select one student from your homeroom to be your Leader of the Month and add their name to this slide. This month you should select a student who acts with responsibility (our Kona Ice Ohana Character Trait of the month); practices our essential 30 rules of saying yes maam and no sir, is polite, uses good manners and says "excuse me" and makes good eye contact; as well as practices the habits of being proactive and beginning with the end in mind.  

Next Tuesday we will recognize these students at morning assembly.  One student from each grade level will be drawn out to get a Kona Ice for the rest of the year as well as spin for house points.  

Parents will not be attending the Tuesday morning recognition.  However, we will be having a Student Recognition Event at the end of the 9 weeks in which they will be invited.  

*Important Reminders
-Show on the Road compliance training is due this Friday.
-We are collecting house points - don't forget to turn in your weekly house sheets to Ms. Kelli.
-Check out the PD Road Trip and let me know if you are interested so I can order books.

This Week at a Glance...
-School Wide Jobs are posted
-House Meeting Reveal - 1 pm gym
-New Employee meeting - 3:30 Central Office
 -Haiti Quarter Collection Day
-Suicide Prevention Speaker at CCHS at 3:30 for ALL STAFF
-School Wide Job applications are due
-Grade Level RTI meetings during planning- please bring data with you as well as a device
-Action Team meetings at 3:15
-Math PD at 3:15 in the library
 -AR Summer Bash

Have a fantastic week!

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