Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sunday Shout Out - August 18, 2019

I challenged all of you to think outside the box this year and try something different.  I also promised that I would work to see "YES" and support your new ideas and endeavors.  Well - Mrs. Karen already put me to the test.  She approached me earlier this week about trying a different approach with one rotation of her science classes.  She wants to spend more time working on hands-on learning focusing on critical thinking and problems solving.  She jumped right in and got started.  Watch the video to get a sneak peak!

Important Reminders
-MAP testing begins this week
-Remember to begin collecting house points this week for attendance, behavior, Lexia and DreamBox/Math Whizz. All sheets should be turned in on Friday to Kelli.
-Send me videos and pics from your classes to share.  There are way too many good things going on in your classes that we all need to see.
-Don't forget Show on the Road by August 30th.

This Week at a Glance...

3-4 Open Library  - please share with parents through Remind
3:30 - Training for new SBDM members at CCHS 
 3:30 - Training for experienced SBDM members at CCHS
 3:00 - Leadership Team meeting
Fire Drill 
3:00 ELA PD
Tornado/Earthquake Drill 
AR Summer Bash - more details to come

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