Thank you so much for all your hard work to make us have such a smooth start to the beginning of school. Your rooms look amazing and I saw so many great get-to-know-you, culture building activities going on in the classrooms. I also saw A LOT of practicing of procedures and that is exactly what you should be doing. Keep working on those things this week.
As you start planning classes - remember our theme. Each week think about all those questions we pondered on Tuesday. Try something new - step outside the box. What is really, really important for students to learn? What "soft skills" are you working on this week to make students better learners and citizens?
****Several beginning of the year assessments are going on this week - SNAP, Core and the first STAR test for all students this week. Their goal is to be at a 1.0, 2.0, etc. Encourage them to give it their best!
Here are some links to docs that might be helpful - I think they have all been shared with you already but having them here in one place might be a little bit easier for you.
19/20 Morning Assembly - where classes sit each morning
Leadership Time Lesson Plan Template - here is where you will find the slides for each week with the Essential 30, 7 Habits, Bullying and Kona Ice Character Trait of the Month. You can just make a copy for your grade level and fill in with activities. This time is so important for our students - make it a priority!
If there are other forms you can't find - let me know and I will add. My Drive gets crazy too!
*Please be on time taking your students to lunch. When one class is late - it effects the rest of the lunch schedule. It is better to be a minute or two early and just check in with Ms. Whitney before you bring them in..
*If you plan on wearing jeans on Monday this year - please get your $20 to Ms. Sonya on Monday.
*Don't forget to the do the Show on the Road before August 30th.
*If you haven't already - start assigning classroom jobs to your students and have them posted in or outside your classroom by the end of the month. You should also have your classroom mission statement posted as well.
This Week at a Glance...
Monday 8/12
4:00 SBDM meeting
Tuesday 8/13
Wednesday 8/14
Thursday 8/15
Friday 8/16
It is going to be an amazing year! We have the best staff you will find. I wouldn't want to work anywhere else. I appreciate each of you!
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