Thursday, August 29, 2019

Friday Focus - August 30th, 2019

It's here - our first little break of the year.  And it is well-deserved.  You all have worked so hard to make this a great start to the school year.  Take this weekend to enjoy time with your families and don't think about school!  That's what I am going to try to do!


% of students scores at grade level (1.0, 2.0, etc)

1st grade - 22%
2nd grade - 50%
3rd grade - 60%
4th grade - 60%
5th grade - 39%

Although this is not where we want our scores to be, this isn't nearly as bad as it seems.  Remember that our goal is that students be at grade level OR making progress to meet that goal.  This first baseline score only reflects those on grade level and doesn't take into account any growth.  We will text again in October.  Now that most of our beginning of the year testing is over, we can insure that students are getting their weekly Lexia units, reading AR and just learning good reading strategies in class.  All these things work to improve their reading level.  We have proven this time after time again.  It will work again this year - don't be discouraged.

We are going to begin letting students have one special class day per week in the library this year but the library WILL REMAIN OPEN throughout that time.  It is important to remind students who are visiting the library to come in quietly, check out their books and not disturb the class that is going on.  We hope this plans works for everyone and helps our library to be used as effectively as possible.

Please fill out this form if you plan on participating in the PD Road Trip.  

*Remember to turn in your compliance training forms to me by this afternoon.

*Your leaders of the month for August need to be on this slide by this afternoon.  

*21st Century classes begin next week.  Students should be walked to the cafeteria after 2nd bell has rang and the halls have cleared.  A teacher needs to stay with them until they start allowing students to enter in the cafeteria. 

*We will begin Panther Time September 9th.  That means next week students will be working to earn their Panther Time by being on green.  Really talk this up with the students.  
Grade level teachers - please send work for students to do while they are in No Panther Time class.  Only send Lexia, Math Whizz, Reflex as their assignment if they are truly behind and don't have anything else to do.  Panther Time teachers are going to have grade level work ready for those students who don't bring anything.  All students will be expected to work the entire time they are in that class.

Next Week at a Glance...
 1st day for 21st Century
 Open Library 3-4
 Kona Ice Day

 Mid-term - grades should be posted by the end of the day

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sunday Shoutout - August 25th, 2019

Four months until Christmas Day - that is what struck me as I typed the date at the top of the blog.  Isn't that unbelievable?  We have 12 days of school already behind us and time is rolling by.  I recently read a comment about parenthood that said "The days are long but the years are short."  I think that applies to school as well.  I know some of us have already had some long days but the year will fly by.  This is the one year you have been given with this particular group of students and each one of them individually.  No one is on your roster by accident.  Take those hard days and move on.  Put the bad and the negative behind you.  Work to make better days ahead.  It is what we are here to do.

August Leaders of the Month
By this Friday, please select one student from your homeroom to be your Leader of the Month and add their name to this slide. This month you should select a student who acts with responsibility (our Kona Ice Ohana Character Trait of the month); practices our essential 30 rules of saying yes maam and no sir, is polite, uses good manners and says "excuse me" and makes good eye contact; as well as practices the habits of being proactive and beginning with the end in mind.  

Next Tuesday we will recognize these students at morning assembly.  One student from each grade level will be drawn out to get a Kona Ice for the rest of the year as well as spin for house points.  

Parents will not be attending the Tuesday morning recognition.  However, we will be having a Student Recognition Event at the end of the 9 weeks in which they will be invited.  

*Important Reminders
-Show on the Road compliance training is due this Friday.
-We are collecting house points - don't forget to turn in your weekly house sheets to Ms. Kelli.
-Check out the PD Road Trip and let me know if you are interested so I can order books.

This Week at a Glance...
-School Wide Jobs are posted
-House Meeting Reveal - 1 pm gym
-New Employee meeting - 3:30 Central Office
 -Haiti Quarter Collection Day
-Suicide Prevention Speaker at CCHS at 3:30 for ALL STAFF
-School Wide Job applications are due
-Grade Level RTI meetings during planning- please bring data with you as well as a device
-Action Team meetings at 3:15
-Math PD at 3:15 in the library
 -AR Summer Bash

Have a fantastic week!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sunday Shout Out - August 18, 2019

I challenged all of you to think outside the box this year and try something different.  I also promised that I would work to see "YES" and support your new ideas and endeavors.  Well - Mrs. Karen already put me to the test.  She approached me earlier this week about trying a different approach with one rotation of her science classes.  She wants to spend more time working on hands-on learning focusing on critical thinking and problems solving.  She jumped right in and got started.  Watch the video to get a sneak peak!

Important Reminders
-MAP testing begins this week
-Remember to begin collecting house points this week for attendance, behavior, Lexia and DreamBox/Math Whizz. All sheets should be turned in on Friday to Kelli.
-Send me videos and pics from your classes to share.  There are way too many good things going on in your classes that we all need to see.
-Don't forget Show on the Road by August 30th.

This Week at a Glance...

3-4 Open Library  - please share with parents through Remind
3:30 - Training for new SBDM members at CCHS 
 3:30 - Training for experienced SBDM members at CCHS
 3:00 - Leadership Team meeting
Fire Drill 
3:00 ELA PD
Tornado/Earthquake Drill 
AR Summer Bash - more details to come

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Saturday Night Live - August 10, 2019

Let's just face it - you never know what you are going to get from me.  It might be the Friday Focus, Saturday Night Live or Sunday Shout-Out but one way or the other - I will get it to you.  This week it is Saturday Night Live!

Thank you so much for all your hard work to make us have such a smooth start to the beginning of school.  Your rooms look amazing and I saw so many great get-to-know-you, culture building activities going on in the classrooms.  I also saw A LOT of practicing of procedures and that is exactly what you should be doing.  Keep working on those things this week. 


As you start planning classes - remember our theme.  Each week think about all those questions we pondered on Tuesday.  Try something new - step outside the box.  What is really, really important for students to learn?  What "soft skills" are you working on this week to make students better learners and citizens?  

****Several beginning of the year assessments are going on this week - SNAP, Core and the first STAR test for all students this week.  Their goal is to be at a 1.0, 2.0, etc.  Encourage them to give it their best!

Here are some links to docs that might be helpful - I think they have all been shared with you already but having them here in one place might be a little bit easier for you.

19/20 Morning Assembly  - where classes sit each morning

Leadership Time Lesson Plan Template - here is where you will find the slides for each week with the Essential 30, 7 Habits, Bullying and Kona Ice Character Trait of the Month.  You can just make a copy for your grade level and fill in with activities.  This time is so important for our students - make it a priority!

If there are other forms you can't find - let me know and I will add. My Drive gets crazy too!  

*Please be on time taking your students to lunch.  When one class is late - it effects the rest of the lunch schedule.  It is better to be a minute or two early and just check in with Ms. Whitney before you bring them in..

*If you plan on wearing jeans on Monday this year - please get your $20 to Ms. Sonya on Monday.

*Don't forget to the do the Show on the Road before August 30th.  

*If you haven't already - start assigning classroom jobs to your students and have them posted in or outside your classroom by the end of the month.  You should also have your classroom mission statement posted as well.

This Week at a Glance...

Monday 8/12
 4:00 SBDM meeting
Tuesday 8/13

Wednesday 8/14
 3:15  Meeting for ALL Staff - Responding to an Active Shooter
Thursday 8/15
Kona Ice day - will send a schedule later in the week 
Friday 8/16
 1:00 Riverboat Revue performance in the gym for all grade levels

It is going to be an amazing year!  We have the best staff you will find.  I wouldn't want to work anywhere else.  I appreciate each of you!

  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...