Sunday, April 28, 2019

Friday Focus - April 26, 2019


It's that time of your year when I need your feedback to use for planning for next year. Please take a few minutes to do the following surveys:

Also - please check your email to see a message about our One School One Book for next fall.  We need suggestions!

MAP testing/STAR testing
Please complete all MAP testing early in the week.  I need numbers of students that either are proficient or distinguished or met their individual RIT goal from the winter in each content area by Tuesday.  We will do drinks for math and cookies for reading.  

Planning/PD Hours
Don't forget to check with me or Ms. Valerie and planning and PD hours if you aren't sure.  Also - if you are classified staff and didn't do the book study - make sure you have enough planning hours in to cover your SLED days.  

Panther Time/PLC's
We will be having Panther Time and PLC's next week - Monday thru Thursday.  This will be our last week of Panther Time and PLC's for the year.  

Next Week at a Glance...
2nd grade Lexia Luau
5th grade Field Trip
3:00  KPREP Dance Practice
11 am Parent Advisory Council meeting
Last Day of 21st Century
2 pm Academic Team celebration
Hat Day $1 supporting Build-A-Build
3:00 KPREP Dance Practice - EVERYONE try to attend if they can 
MAP WIG Celebration - after lunch
Pick up cookies in the cafeteria
1:30 Panther Pals
Amazing Race - 3rd-5th grade 
2:00 KPREP skit 
*Memorabilia items due

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  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...