Sunday, April 14, 2019

Friday Focus - April 12, 2019

Last round of MAP testing is next week.  Please go over with students their individual goals for this round of testing in each content area.  Remind them that students who score proficient/distinguished get rewarded as well as students who meet their individual goals.  Make sure students test under testing conditions - this is a great practice run for KPREP and gives us some last minute data to use in these next few weeks.  
Springtime brings plenty of pretty weather for outside recess.  Several classes are out on the playground and I know some of you want to spend some extra time out there doing outside projects and learning.  Please make sure to supervise extra well during these times.  Also, please make sure that two grade levels aren't out on the playground at the same time.  If you want to take your students outside and it is recess for another grade level, you can always use the front lawn. It seems that we have more discipline problems and students getting hurt when multiple grade levels are out there at the same time.

I have added another bookshelf to my office.  This is going to be a staff library where you can bring in books that you have at home that you are willing to share with others.  You are welcome to take books from the shelf, read them and return.  These can be professional books or books for personal reading.  Most of us have books at home that are collecting dust and this is a great way for us to share them.  You can bring them in anytime.

*Please bring a device to PLCs this week.

Next Week at a Glance...
 Mid-term ends
-Grades need to be posted by the end of the school day at 3:00
-SRCL Team meeting at 3 pm in my office
-NFL Guest Speaker for grades 3-5 at 1 pm in the gym
-Leadership Team meeting at 3 pm
-Panther Emporium Open House from 3-5
-Welcome to Kindergarten Headstart program at 5
-Kindergarten Field Trip
-Mid-term grades go home
-Easter Parties and Egg Hunts 

Have a great week - not many more to go!

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