Sunday, April 21, 2019

Friday Focus - April 19, 2019

Harlem Wizards time is here.  Hopefully this will be a fun night for our community and a way for us to make some money for our school. Hope all of you and your families can join us.

We will be having the BurkesVegas Ballers join us at morning assembly in the morning and then one of the Wizards players will be here at 1:00 tomorrow afternoon for an assembly.  We will begin calling classes in the gym about 12:45.

If you are volunteering tomorrow night with either souvenirs or gate, please be at CCHS between 5:45 and 6:00.  

BurkesVegas Ballers - please be at the gym around 6:00!

Thank you for all your help with this event!!!!

MAP Testing
MAP testing continues this week.  When you get your data - please enter into the data tracker.  We will begin discussing this week at PLC's.  

This Week at a Glance...
 Dipping Dots 
Harlem Wizards Assembly at 1:00
Harlem Wizards game at 7:00 at CCHS gym

 Action Team meeting at 3 pm
 2nd grade Lexia Luau
 1st grade Field Trip
2nd grade Math Whizz/Reflex Celebration
Deadline for 200 Vocabulary Words

Have a great week - only four more to go!

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