Sunday, March 11, 2018

Friday Focus - March 9, 2018

Hope everyone enjoyed their three day weekend.  Only three more weeks until spring break!

The prayer event was held tonight and was a success.  I hope you continue to pray for our schools and the well-being of our students. 

MAP testing begins this week for our lower grades and upper grades will begin next week.  Encourage students to do their best.  Remind students of their goals for this time - FOCUS ON GROWTH!

This Week At a Glance....
Monday - Leader of the Month Recognition and Breakfast; SBDM meeting at 4 pm; Kidz Klub at 5 pm
Tuesday - 12 noon - 5th grade attends assembly at CCHS; 
5 pm - Courage to Care Parent Event at CCHS for all CC parents - meal provided - please send a remind to parents.  
Wednesday - 8 am Judge Castillo comes to speak to 4th and 5th graders
3 pm - Lighthouse Team meeting
Friday - Father/Daughter Dance sponsored by Beta 5-7 pm
- if you need planning hours this is an opportunity - see Dana Duvall

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