Saturday, March 17, 2018

Friday Focus - March 17th

Star Data - Round 4

Keep up the Good Work

I am always excited to see the Star data each round to see our students growth in reading!  Again - I was very pleased with the growth.  We are staying right on the mark of 75 % of our students on grade level or making .9 year's growth.  Its amazing to look where we started in August and where we are now.  Every single grade level has increased at least 10 percentage points.  Keep doing what you are doing! It's working!

This week during PLC's you will be getting little flower cut-outs for students to right down their acts of kindness in remembrance of those killed in the Florida school shooting last month.  Students don't have to write all of their acts on there - just what they can fit.  We are going to display those on a Kindness Tree on the wall by the elevator.  This will serve as a great reminder to do those acts of kindness all the time.

Remember to keep adding events to the Living Calendar and the Chromecart Slideshow.  Both of these are great tools to help us communicate more effectively.

Next Week at a Glance...

*We will be continuing MAP testing this week

**9 weeks Awards recognition at assembly this week
Monday - K-1 Perfect Attendance
Tuesday - 2-3 Perfect Attendance
Wednesday - 4-5 Perfect Attendance
Thursday - 4th grade All A and B/All A Honor Roll
Friday - 5th grade All A and B/All A Honor Roll

Monday - 5th grade Field Trip to Frankfort
SBDM meeting at 4:00
Tuesday - Ice Cream Sundae Party for Bathroom Winners
12:30 - 5th grade girls
1:15 - K-2 boys
2:00 - 3-4 girls
Wednesday - Wear Red - Staff Walk-in 
Action Team meetings afterschool
Thursday - House Meeting at 3 pm

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