Friday, March 23, 2018

Friday Focus - March 23rd, 2018

Four more days until Spring Break - hang in there!

MAP testing should be finished up next week.  Please make sure MAP scores, STAR scores, and 3rd nine weeks grades are in the data tracker.

Please promote the sale of Panther Cards - that is clear money for our school!  There are some new, improved deals - they really are well worth their money.  Promote them on remind, Facebook, etc.  Also - each class that sells 50 gets a pajama and movie party!!!!!

No Panther Time or PLC's next week.

Next Week at a Glance....
Monday -  4th grade Science Live Scoring
Tuesday - Academic Team Awards in Ms. Kelli's room at 2
Wednesday - Light it Up Blue for Autism Day
                        4th and 5th grade GT in cafeteria at 1:30
Thursday - House/Pod meetings at morning
No 21st Century
Leadership Retreat afterschool at DHLSP


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  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...