Friday, November 10, 2017

Friday Focus - November 10, 2017

The Friday Focus is back!  Teachers mentioned that this was a great way to stay focused on upcoming activities and keep everyone up-to-date on what is going on.  So - each week the Friday Focus will be updated here on the blog.  I hope you find it helpful.

The Wilderness Trip was a great experience for our kids this week.  I appreciate those that went and help make it such a good time.  I also want to thank all those who stayed behind and held the fort down while we were gone. 

Four and a half weeks before Christmas break.  I know this is a crazy time of year and you have so much on your plates.  Remember the most important thing you do is to shut your door and teach!  That is what you are here to do.  And I will work to keep the disruptions at a minimum!

Check the Living Calendar daily and add to it as events come out.  I have added several dates for the year (CPA's, STAR, MAP).  

Remember - peer observations are due by November 30th as well as the first science through-course task. 

Also - as a service project we are collecting classroom supplies for the hurricane victims.   

Next week at a glance...
Monday - Leader of the Month breakfast & recognition
                3:00 Simple Solutions webinar
                4:00 SBDM
                5:00 Bornlearning Kidz Klub
Tuesday - retakes & Holiday pictures
Wednesday - 3:00  Action Team meeting
Friday - 6:00  Staff Hayride & Bonfire at River Breeze - bring your whole family for a night of fun with our school family.  We will have a sign-up sheet in Ms. Sonya's office next week for food.  We will also have a bouncy house for the kids.  

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  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...