Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Friday Focus - Thanksgiving Edition

As we get ready for Thanksgiving, I want you to know that I truly am thankful for all of you and what you give to our students every day.  Each day I see people sacrifice to make sure these kids here have everything they need and their day is a good day.  I am thankful and blessed to work here.  There is no other place on earth I had rather be.

*Peer observations should be finished by November 30th.
*Encourage your students to bring in Box Tops.  This is free to us and an easy way to bring in additional funds to the school.
*Science TCT should be finished by November 30th. 
*Map testing begins next week and will continue through December 15th.  Please check the Living Calendar for updates - there are changes to the first floor computer lab schedule on some days and it will effect RTI.  Please plan accordingly.  

Next Week at a Glance....
Tuesday - LIM Coaching Day with Tara Beasley (I will be emailing the Lighthouse Team the schedule)
3:00 - Sunshine Committee meets
Wednesday - Safety meeting afterschool in the gym
Friday - Wear red to "Remember Everyone Deployed"

Happy Thanksgiving!

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