Friday, March 5, 2021

Weekly Update - March 5, 2021


After discussion with some teachers - we feel like it may be best to do conferences for our in-person students ONLY on March 29th and 30th.  We will wait until after spring break to start scheduling our VIP students.  Also - if you need to schedule some conferences before 4:00 on those days to get everyone in - that is fine.  

Congratulations to Mrs. Nancy Flowers and Mrs. Hannah Hopper.

Mrs. Nancy will receive the Campbellsville University Excellence in Teaching award and Ms.  Hannah has been nominated for the WKU Distinguished Educator award for Preschool/Elementary.    


Special class for next week will be PE, Leadership and SEL/Bullying.


We will be having a Staff Meeting for certified staff on Tuesday beginning at 3:15 in the library.  Please let me know if you cannot attend.


All grades for the 3rd nine weeks need to be posted today before you leave please.  Grade cards will go home on Tuesday.  


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