Friday, March 26, 2021

Weekly Update - March 26, 2021


MAP testing window is open and available for teachers to test anytime.  Please have all in-person students tested by April 16th. 

Monday and Tuesday we will be having Parent Teacher conferences with our in-person students.  Homeroom teachers have been setting up appointments with parents.  Classified staff will not need to work unless they need the planning hours and have contacted Ms. Lisa.

We will still use three entrances (2nd/4th at Minit Mart entrance, K/5th main entrance and 1st/3rd at gym entrance), do temp checks and require masks.  The book fair will also be going on so we need people to work that.  Please let me know if I have left anyone off.

Monday/Tuesday schedule

Also - homeroom teachers - please sure your conference schedule with us so that we can have that at the front tables.  


We are going to ask all VIP students to come in to do end of the year testing on the following dates:

March 30 - 5th grade                April 1 - 4th grade 

April 13 - 3rd grade                   April 15 - 2nd grade

April 20 & 22 - 1st grade           April 27 & 29 - Kindergarden


KPREP testing will begin on May 3rd for VIP students and continue the next week with in-person students.

Kindergarten graduation - May 17th 5 pm

5th grade graduation - May 17th 6:30 pm

*graduations will be held at the city park, weather permitting

5th grade Picnic - May 19th

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