Saturday, September 21, 2019

Saturday Night Live - September 21st, 2019

When Fall Break finally gets here - we will definitely deserve it.  Hang tight - we have a busy week ahead of us.  I know it is hard to keep momentum going in the classroom when there is so much going on.  However, it is important to use our time wisely and efficiently.  

Open House will be Thursday night.  Homeroom teachers will be in the classrooms sharing learning from the first few weeks of school.  Here are other activities going on in the building and where different staff will be assigned:

*Pizza and drinks in cafeteria - kindergarten aides to serve
*Book Fair and checking our AR books - Geanetta, Andrea and Margaret
*AR testing in 2nd floor Computer Lab - Kelli Jo
*Summer According to Humphrey Quiz for the Family - 1st floor computer lab - Dana Duvall and Kassie Sewell (Families take a quiz over our book and become eligible for door prizes)
*Sign-In Table by houses - Dana Harlan and Sonya
*Craft Room in Emily's room - families can come make a fun craft - Emily, Stephanie Dykes and Stephanie Butler
*Fun Snack in Candi's room - Candi, Alonna and Heather
*Art Show - admission for adults is $5 - parents go vote for their favorite piece of student art - Melanie, Micah and Whitney

*CPA testing is this week and next
*Missoula this week - a list of students trying out is attached to the Living Calendar.  Those who make it will be leaving each day to go practice at the middle school and then perform on Friday afternoon and night.

This Week at a Glance...
-Missoula tryouts
-PD Road Trip - leave at 5 pm from CCES 


-Candi's class gone on Fishing Trip
-Action Team meetings at 3:15 (don't forget to contact parents) 
-AG Safety Day for 4th and 5th graders 
-Open House 4-6
-Missoula Public Performance CCMS at 6 pm

Make it a great week!

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