Sunday, September 8, 2019

Friday Focus - September 6, 2019

Midterm ended Friday and reports should go home with students on Monday afternoon.  The first mid-term marks the first 1/8 of the school year coming to an end.  Time is flying by!

As we finish the mid-term, I see a huge improvement in student behavior and procedures. Thank you for all your hard work toward that. 

PLC's and Panther Time begin next week - teachers need to bring MAP scores to PLC's as well as Chromebook or ipad.  We will also work to do our Data Charts for the year.  

Summer According to Humphrey 
Coming Soon...

Monday the 19th we will have our Kickoff for Summer According to Humphrey in the gym.  You can hand out your books and send home reading plans on that Monday.  

Find the activities for each day of the week here:
Summer According to Humphrey Daily Plan

We will have daily trivia in the gym each morning as well.  

This Week at a Glance...

 SBDM meeting at 4 pm
 Mid-term Reports go home
 Student Lighthouse Team meeting - noon
3 pm - ELA PD - Part 2
Picture Day - all staff needs to have their picture made on this day as well 
 Viewing of the Vietnam Memorial Wall processional between 1 and 2 pm - all students will go out in front of playground and Mary Ann Keen building to view - this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for our students!  

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