Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sunday Shoutout - September 29, 2019

Panther Cafe

All staff needs to come to the library for lunch tomorrow at the Panther Cafe. This is a special lunch for all CCES staff to celebrate some good news.  Come hungry and ready to hear the news!
HOUSE Meeting tomorrow
We will have our first regular house meeting in the morning.  In order to be finished by 8 am, we are going to start leaving the gym, 2nd floor and lunchroom at 7:25.  Cafeteria staff will already have the breakfasts bagged up so you just need to pick up bags and milk enough for your pod and head on to your pod location.  Below is a list of students who have special dietary needs and the staff will have those fixed separately.  Make sure to get it if they are in your pod.

Ryan Parson- Samantha Henderson and Micah Coverstone
Bear Bales- Samantha Henderson and Micah Coverstone
Lily Schuenaman- Alonna Cyphers and Kristie Cross
Jayden Wright- Paige Parrigin
Anthony Cash- Andrea Parson
Sam West- Ceirra Wells and Shana Castillo
Jazmyn Parker-Lisa Perdue and Kristi Dyer
Wyatt Wallker- Melanie Willis and Sonya Fudge 

**New Panther Time schedule begins this week!

Fall break is almost here.  We will be finishing up CPA testing as well as the ending to Summer According to Humphrey.  Finish strong with the book - students have really seemed to enjoy it.  And yes - all classes will get a chance to keep Humphrey for the day.  We will get to the ones that hadn't got a chance after fall break. 

This Week at a Glance...
House Meeting - see Living Calendar for plan 
Kona Ice Day
Basketball Clinic for Ms. Henderson's homeroom 
 3:00 Action Team meeting (let parent's know)
Panther Emporium Open House
 Breakfast Burrito Fundraiser for Mrs. Jani and Ms. Tammy's room
 Hat Day for Mrs. Henderson's homeroom
1st nine weeks grades need to be posted before you leave today!

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Saturday Night Live - September 21st, 2019

When Fall Break finally gets here - we will definitely deserve it.  Hang tight - we have a busy week ahead of us.  I know it is hard to keep momentum going in the classroom when there is so much going on.  However, it is important to use our time wisely and efficiently.  

Open House will be Thursday night.  Homeroom teachers will be in the classrooms sharing learning from the first few weeks of school.  Here are other activities going on in the building and where different staff will be assigned:

*Pizza and drinks in cafeteria - kindergarten aides to serve
*Book Fair and checking our AR books - Geanetta, Andrea and Margaret
*AR testing in 2nd floor Computer Lab - Kelli Jo
*Summer According to Humphrey Quiz for the Family - 1st floor computer lab - Dana Duvall and Kassie Sewell (Families take a quiz over our book and become eligible for door prizes)
*Sign-In Table by houses - Dana Harlan and Sonya
*Craft Room in Emily's room - families can come make a fun craft - Emily, Stephanie Dykes and Stephanie Butler
*Fun Snack in Candi's room - Candi, Alonna and Heather
*Art Show - admission for adults is $5 - parents go vote for their favorite piece of student art - Melanie, Micah and Whitney

*CPA testing is this week and next
*Missoula this week - a list of students trying out is attached to the Living Calendar.  Those who make it will be leaving each day to go practice at the middle school and then perform on Friday afternoon and night.

This Week at a Glance...
-Missoula tryouts
-PD Road Trip - leave at 5 pm from CCES 


-Candi's class gone on Fishing Trip
-Action Team meetings at 3:15 (don't forget to contact parents) 
-AG Safety Day for 4th and 5th graders 
-Open House 4-6
-Missoula Public Performance CCMS at 6 pm

Make it a great week!

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Monday Make-up - September 16, 2019

I guess I have hit a new low - not getting this info out until Monday night but I was totally out of pocket this weekend and didn't get it done.  I promise I will do better this week!  Here is the nitty-gritty for this week.

Summer According to Humphrey
Students seem to be super excited about our Summer According to Humphrey - or at least super excited about our very own Humphrey.  We will pass Humphrey on each day to a new homeroom at morning assembly. Please have your students be very careful around Humphrey - a pet funeral is not part of our plans.  At the end of the day, please deliver him back to Mrs. Sarah's room yourself.  She will bring him to assembly each day.  

Remember to keep your class up with the daily readings and activities for each day.  Talk about all the important aspects of reading - characters, setting, plot, theme, main idea and the list goes on and on.  While we have students excited and hooked, we want to get them to learn as much as they can.


This Week at a Glance....

High Attendance Day
3 pm Leadership Team meeting 
4 pm  SBDM interviews for open positions 
*Book Fair Opens
*Dippin Dots  
*Liz Brewer - our Leader in Me coach -  will be here all day and will meet with teachers on their planning
*1:45 Liz will meeting with Student Lighthouse Team
*3:15 Liz will meet with staff Leadership Team

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Friday Focus - September 6, 2019

Midterm ended Friday and reports should go home with students on Monday afternoon.  The first mid-term marks the first 1/8 of the school year coming to an end.  Time is flying by!

As we finish the mid-term, I see a huge improvement in student behavior and procedures. Thank you for all your hard work toward that. 

PLC's and Panther Time begin next week - teachers need to bring MAP scores to PLC's as well as Chromebook or ipad.  We will also work to do our Data Charts for the year.  

Summer According to Humphrey 
Coming Soon...

Monday the 19th we will have our Kickoff for Summer According to Humphrey in the gym.  You can hand out your books and send home reading plans on that Monday.  

Find the activities for each day of the week here:
Summer According to Humphrey Daily Plan

We will have daily trivia in the gym each morning as well.  

This Week at a Glance...

 SBDM meeting at 4 pm
 Mid-term Reports go home
 Student Lighthouse Team meeting - noon
3 pm - ELA PD - Part 2
Picture Day - all staff needs to have their picture made on this day as well 
 Viewing of the Vietnam Memorial Wall processional between 1 and 2 pm - all students will go out in front of playground and Mary Ann Keen building to view - this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for our students!  

  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...