Monday, May 20, 2019

Summer Plans 2019

We made it!  Thanks for all your work last week to make sure our kids had a great last week.  

Here is some info for plans for this summer as well as for next year:

                                                Image result for camping clipart

Our theme for next year is:  Explore, Be Brave, Have Courage.  We will use camping decor for this theme.  Please remember - this is a school theme. You do not have to redecorate your room each year to go with the theme.  

Image result for summer according to humphrey

Summer According to Humphrey is the book we have selected for One School One Book.  We will have a 2 hour PD day on August 2nd to plan.  Get the ideas rolling of things we can do with this book. 


-We are needing academic coaches for next school year.  If you are interested - please let me know.


This link contains all the PD/Planning events that are scheduled at this time.  Please make sure to refer to this doc so you don't miss anything.  

Upcoming Important Dates:

May 24th - Read 180/System 44 training for Angela, Melanie and Kassie
June 3rd and 4th - Artful Reading - Cohort 2 Training
June 3rd and 4th - Special Education meeting
June 7th - Artful Reading PD for all staff (MANDATORY)
June 10th - Leadership Team Planning Day - 9 am
June 24th- Kindergarten Camp 9-3

Enjoy your summer!!!

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