Friday, May 10, 2019

Friday Focus - May 10, 2019

Only five days less but they will be a super busy five days.  Hang on and hang in there!

As we approach the last day of school here are some reminders:

-Mrs. Sonya is going to be getting file folders for everyone next week.  Please get enough folders for everyone in your homeroom and place all their intervention data for the year (Core, SNAP, STAR, etc) in those folders. You will box them alphabetically by grade level and store in one of your rooms.  At the beginning of next year - you can pass along to the next grade level.  We are going to keep these cumulative folders on students for intervention progress monitoring over time. 

-We are not going to purchase school supplies for every student this year.  So - we will need each grade level to turn in a supply list by next Friday before you leave.  We will make those available to parents in a few weeks.  Please be very conscientious about what students need and the amount it costs.  

-Please make sure your rooms are prepared for summer cleaning when you leave next Friday.  Unplug refrigerators or any other appliances that you have.  Second and third floor people - please have your students stack chairs and desks out in the hall.  First floor people - leave your chairs and desks in the room as we will be using those for 21st Century Summer Camp and BAFA camp.  

-All staff members are invited and encouraged to attend both kindergarten graduation and 5th grade graduation on Tuesday evening at CCHS.

-Remember to supervise, supervise, supervise these last few days.  We are giving students a lot of free time and that is sometimes when we have problems.  Don't let your guard down!

-Special class every day this week except on Thursday.  

Next Week at a Glance...
Check the Living Calendar for more details - it is one busy week!

Panther Lab Trip
Dippin Dots
*Please have 4th nine weeks grades and final grades posted before you leave.  
3:00 Leadership Team meeting
4:00 SBDM meeting
200 Vocabulary Word party
Kindergarten graduation at 5 pm
5th grade graduation at 6:30
3:00 Tammy's retirement party and a short teacher's meeting following

 House Olympics 
Kona Ice
Secret Sailor Reveal in the library
 8:00 Senior Walk
5th grade Picnic at BBC
Report cards go home

Make this last week a great one!

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  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...