Thursday, March 7, 2019

Friday Focus - March 8, 2019

Above you will see the tentative assessment schedule released by the state.  Take special note of the following:
-this spring testing will be exactly the same as last year
-2019-20 will have the exact same testing for accountability. In addition students will take field tests over new standards that will be administered online.
-The goal is that by 2020-21 all tests will be administered online.

-If you are currently Google certified, please print out your certificate, laminate it and hang outside your classroom door.
-If you are not Google certified, the district will reimburse you for the registration fee.  Our goal is for all teachers to be Level 1 certified.
-If you would like to become Level 2 certified - let me know.  


-Shirts for those attending the Leadership Retreat on Thursday are in your mailbox.
-Dr. Biggerstaff requests that everyone be at the park and signed in by 330 on Thursday afternoon.  Valerie and I will be coming to the gym to relieve those in there so they can leave here by 300.
-Don't forget your homework for the retreat!!!!

No Panther Time or PLC's next week

Next Week at a Glance...
Monday - SBDM meeting at 4 pm
Tuesday - 3rd grade Math Live Scoring
              -Artful Reading Module Day 4
Wednesday - House Meeting - please preview before            Wednesday morning - there are a few things to            prepare for in advance.  This will be a breakfast                    pod meeting as usual. 
-3 pm - Staff meeting - Kristi Willen will be here 
 to discuss retirement
Thursday - No 21st Century or Panther Labs
 -Leadership Retreat at DHLSP at 330
Friday - NO SCHOOL - Jr. Beta Taco Lunch Fundraiser at      First Christian Church

Have a great week!  Only 14 more days until Spring Break!!!!

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  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...