Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Friday Focus - March 15, 2019

Only 10 more days to Spring Break!!!! 

If you are attending the Leadership Retreat this evening - please be at the park and signed in by 3:30.  Valerie and I will be at the gym to relieve teachers as soon as bus 62 leaves.  That way everyone should be able to leave the building by 3:00.  If you are not going and would be able to stay and help us with student pick-up - that would be appreciated.

3rd Nine Weeks Awards
Next week we will be doing our 3rd nine weeks awards at morning assembly.  Please share the schedule with parents through remind.

Tuesday - K-2 Perfect Attendance
Wednesday - 3-5 Perfect Attendance
Thursday - 4th grade Honor Roll
Friday - 5th grade Honor Roll

Panther Time and PLC
We will be having Panther Time and PLC's next week.  Please come prepared to PLC to discuss end of the year activities like Amazing Race, KPREP kick-off, I Survived the KPREP Party and our House Olympics day, as well as any other end of the year events that your grade does.  The calendar is going to get extremely busy after spring break.

Cookies for 4th round WIG goal
Please get me a count by the end of the day today about how many cookies each grade level needs for the 4th round of STAR testing.  Students who should get this reward are those who are at or above grade level (1.6, 2.6 etc) or those who have made .9 years growth since August.  If you have questions about who that is - see me.  We plan on doing this on Tuesday afternoon. Cookies will be ready in the lunchroom for pickup. 

CPA's Beginning Next Week!!!!


 Reading WIG celebration

-Mobile Dairy Unit
-SRCL grant Fidelity Monitoring Visit - classroom observations
-3:00  Leadership Team meeting


-Fire Drill
-Panther Pals - around 1:45

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  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...