Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sunday Shoutout - March 24th, 2019

It's almost here- only five more days!  Hang in there this week!

Don't forget to complete your #observeme if you have not already done so for this month.

Fourth and fifth grader teachers - please remember to have your students complete the Measurable Results Assessment sometime this week.  You will find the link in an email that I sent a couple of weeks ago.  Remind students to answer honestly and students who need accommodations for the survey may receive them.

Please finish up last round of CPA testing if you have not already done so.  

PLC's WILL NOT be meeting this week but we will still have Panther Time.  Use your extra 45 minutes of planning to grade CPA's and get that data into the data tracker. Please have all data up-to-date by the end of the week.  

Please remember to print out your Google Certification certificate and hang outside your door if you have not already done so.  

***Science Through Course Tasks are due this Friday.  

This Week at a Glance...
 Dipping Dots - we will use schedule as below:
12:00 2nd grade
12:20 - Kindergarten
12:40 - 1st grade
1:00 - 3rd grade
1:20 - 4th grade
1:30 - 5th grade
2:00 - Little Panthers
*They will be located in the back of the cafeteria



 No 21st Century
5th grade visits CCMS at 1:00
Light It Up Blue Day for Autism Awareness 
6th grade Band performs at Morning Assembly

Have a great week!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Friday Focus - March 15, 2019

Only 10 more days to Spring Break!!!! 

If you are attending the Leadership Retreat this evening - please be at the park and signed in by 3:30.  Valerie and I will be at the gym to relieve teachers as soon as bus 62 leaves.  That way everyone should be able to leave the building by 3:00.  If you are not going and would be able to stay and help us with student pick-up - that would be appreciated.

3rd Nine Weeks Awards
Next week we will be doing our 3rd nine weeks awards at morning assembly.  Please share the schedule with parents through remind.

Tuesday - K-2 Perfect Attendance
Wednesday - 3-5 Perfect Attendance
Thursday - 4th grade Honor Roll
Friday - 5th grade Honor Roll

Panther Time and PLC
We will be having Panther Time and PLC's next week.  Please come prepared to PLC to discuss end of the year activities like Amazing Race, KPREP kick-off, I Survived the KPREP Party and our House Olympics day, as well as any other end of the year events that your grade does.  The calendar is going to get extremely busy after spring break.

Cookies for 4th round WIG goal
Please get me a count by the end of the day today about how many cookies each grade level needs for the 4th round of STAR testing.  Students who should get this reward are those who are at or above grade level (1.6, 2.6 etc) or those who have made .9 years growth since August.  If you have questions about who that is - see me.  We plan on doing this on Tuesday afternoon. Cookies will be ready in the lunchroom for pickup. 

CPA's Beginning Next Week!!!!


 Reading WIG celebration

-Mobile Dairy Unit
-SRCL grant Fidelity Monitoring Visit - classroom observations
-3:00  Leadership Team meeting


-Fire Drill
-Panther Pals - around 1:45

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Friday Focus - March 8, 2019

Above you will see the tentative assessment schedule released by the state.  Take special note of the following:
-this spring testing will be exactly the same as last year
-2019-20 will have the exact same testing for accountability. In addition students will take field tests over new standards that will be administered online.
-The goal is that by 2020-21 all tests will be administered online.

-If you are currently Google certified, please print out your certificate, laminate it and hang outside your classroom door.
-If you are not Google certified, the district will reimburse you for the registration fee.  Our goal is for all teachers to be Level 1 certified.
-If you would like to become Level 2 certified - let me know.  


-Shirts for those attending the Leadership Retreat on Thursday are in your mailbox.
-Dr. Biggerstaff requests that everyone be at the park and signed in by 330 on Thursday afternoon.  Valerie and I will be coming to the gym to relieve those in there so they can leave here by 300.
-Don't forget your homework for the retreat!!!!

No Panther Time or PLC's next week

Next Week at a Glance...
Monday - SBDM meeting at 4 pm
Tuesday - 3rd grade Math Live Scoring
              -Artful Reading Module Day 4
Wednesday - House Meeting - please preview before            Wednesday morning - there are a few things to            prepare for in advance.  This will be a breakfast                    pod meeting as usual. 
-3 pm - Staff meeting - Kristi Willen will be here 
 to discuss retirement
Thursday - No 21st Century or Panther Labs
 -Leadership Retreat at DHLSP at 330
Friday - NO SCHOOL - Jr. Beta Taco Lunch Fundraiser at      First Christian Church

Have a great week!  Only 14 more days until Spring Break!!!!

Friday, March 1, 2019

Friday Focus - March 1, 2019

4th Round of STAR Scores

Dec 2018 ScoresFeb 2019 scoresRound 4 Last Year
1st grade61%72%66
2nd grade81%86%89
3rd grade82%75%68
4th grade56%66%68
5th grade82%71%69

There is a lot to celebrate - overall our average is up slightly from both December and our 4th round of STAR testing last year.  We are doing some things right and moving in the right direction.  I know it is frustrating for us not to see more growth in every grade level - but don't give up.  Keep working and brainstorming about how we can improve our students' grade level reading.  We know that as students improve their reading skills, they will improve in every area.

Leadership Time Next Week
Several teachers have mentioned that they are hearing students talk about the momo challenge.  If you are not familiar with what this is - please read this article.
Next week during leadership time one day, please address this with your students.  I wouldn't get wrapped up in the specifics of what they challenge is.  Just remind students about appropriate technology use and what to do if they see something alarming on a video or game (stop watching it immediately and report to a parent or teacher.) I also would address that this is not a topic that we talk about at school with other students - if they have worries or concerns, please talk to a teacher about those.  Let me know if you have questions.    

Students were prepared for our conferences back last month before the cold weather hit.  Please refresh your students so they will be prepared for next Thursday night.  Also remember to send out reminds and encourage students and parents both to come to our event.  

Live Scoring
Just a reminder -if any 3rd, 4th or 5th grade teacher would like to schedule live scoring before KPREP testing - get it on the calendar soon.  The days are filling up quickly.

Other Reminders
-Please turn in your SLED documents for this week as well as three students' SLED work from EACH day per grade level.  
-Please remember to sign in each morning in Sonya's office.
-House meeting will be on the morning of March 13th  - slides will be uploaded soon with the agenda for that meeting.
-Four weeks until Spring Break - hang in there!
-No Leader of the Week for this week or Captains Crew.  Going to change up Captain's Crew for the next few weeks.  Also on Monday morning - I am going to keep 3rd-5th grade in the gym after assembly to discuss KPREP testing and the Wilderness reward.  

Next Week at a Glance...
Monday  - 3rd nine weeks grade should be posted today.  Please double check and make sure your grades are posted and in a good shape.  
Tuesday- Kona Ice Truck - same schedule as normal - I have requested for it to be inside this time since it is supposed to be cold
-Report cards go home
-3rd grade ELA Live Scoring
-District Literacy Team meeting at 3:15 at CCHS
Wednesday - Statewide Tornado Drill at 9:07 am
Thursday - FLN/Student Led Conferences 4-6 - No 21st Century
Friday- Panther Pals

Have a great week!

  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...