Friday, February 15, 2019

Friday Focus - February 15th, 2019

I hope all of you had a wonderful Valentine's Day. It is one of those holidays that absolutely wears school personnel out but our students enjoy it so much.  It's just another great opportunity for me to tell all of you how much I appreciate all the LOVE you show to our students everyday.  You are making an impact with your smiles, kind words and the genuine care that you put in to how you do your job.  Thank you!

Cell Phone Usage
Please remember to keep your cell phone usage at a minimum when you have students.  I realize that many of you use it while you are teaching to set timers, play music, etc.  Of course, that is fine.  
Our students and their learning should be the priority when they are in the classroom.  Please don't let your phone be a distraction from that.
Also - the district is asking that ALL parent communication be through remind rather than through personal texts.  The paid version of Remind that the district has purchased keeps a record of all correspondence.  This protects you by keeping a record of what is being said.  We can never be too careful!

Chromecart SlideShow - please remember to update

*Live Scoring - any 3rd, 4th or 5th grade teacher that would like to do another round of live scoring - send us a date!

Next Week at a Glance...
****4th round of STAR testing - please talk with students about where they should be - 1.6, 2.6, etc or on track to make 1.2 years growth from their August test. 

Monday - No School - enjoy your day
Tuesday - WIG celebration for MAP testing - cookies will be ready for pick-up after 1230 in the cafeteria, drinks will be in office.  Please be sensitive to students who aren't getting either reward - especially when there is only a handful in a classroom.  As a grade level - you may want to put those students in one room away from those eating and drinking.
Wednesday - 3:00 Leadership Team meeting
Friday - House Meeting - breakfast meeting - focus on Integrity - slides will be shared soon

Have a wonderful week!

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