Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday Focus - February 1, 2019

SLED days number one and two are already in the books.  Please make sure you have done all of the following for each SLED day:

1.  All teachers and staff should turn in the Teacher Activity log 
- one for each day.  You can place them on the table in my office.

2.  Homeroom teachers will also need to complete the Classroom Data sheet for each day. These can be turned in to my office as well.

3.  Please complete your Teach Like a Pirate Book Study work and place on the Team Drive in under SLED 2018-19.  
4.  Collect and KEEP all student work for the SLED days.
5.  As a grade level - select three students' work for each SLED day (high quality), make a copy  and turn in to my office.  


Important Reminders:
-Mid-term grades should be posted TODAY!
-Show Your Voice applications will be accepted through next Friday. 2/8. 
-RTI meetings next week at PLC's.  Please bring all data.
-No 21st Century classes on Tuesday and Wednesday.
-Liz Brewer, our LIM coach will be here on Tuesday.  She will meet with grade level teams during their planning and with Leadership Team right after school.

Next Week at a Glance...
Monday - Chris Jones from Ky Deferred Comp will be in the library if you would like to meet with him
Tuesday - Kona Ice truck - same schedule as last time
-LIM Coaching Day with Liz Brewer (meet on your planning)
3:00 Leadership Team meeting
Wednesday - meeting at 3 pm with Kristi Willen about retirement
Thursday - Circus trip

Good luck to our CCES Academic Team this upcoming week at District Governor's Cup!

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