Please work diligently to finish up any STAR tests that have not been done this week or have any students retest that may need to. We will be discussing our 4th round of STAR tests at PLC's next week. Also - please add this data to the data tracker.
One teacher from each grade level needs to stay with 21st century/Panther Lab students in the cafeteria hallway until the cafeteria is open and accepting students in for snack. We had a fight in the back hallway this week. This is especially important now since we have so many students staying each afternoon. Thanks in advance for your help with this!
Several staff members have asked about how we can support Kelli. Here are some upcoming events that everyone can pitch in on:
-March 1st - Fundraiser Potluck - we will have a sign-up sheet in the front office on Monday. $5 per person to eat
-March 5th - Pink Out Day/Hat Day ($1)
-March 29th - Teacher/Staff lunch
-We are also going to be selling t-shirts in honor of Kelli to students, staff and community members with the proceeds going to help Kelli. More details to come soon.
Next Week at a Glance...
Monday - FPS and Written Comp regional competition
Wednesday - 3 pm Action Team meeting and Staff meeting for EVERYONE - please let me know in advance if you cannot attend
Thursday - Board meeting here at CCES cafeteria at 6 pm. Will be recognizing our P/D students as well as our Jr. Beta club
Friday - end of 3rd nine weeks
Good luck to our CCES Academic Team competing at region on Monday and Saturday! Bring home the hardware!