Thursday, September 6, 2018

Friday Focus - September 7th, 2018

Tonight is our biggest fundraiser of the year!  I know that it is a tremendous amount of work on everyone's part and I appreciate all you all have done to make it so successful.  Today will be a super long day but it is worth it.  This event alone allows us to have the funding to do so many things for our students that would be impossible otherwise.  Please look over a flyer and be knowledgeable about what is going on where and when.  Going to Disney World always impresses me because EVERYONE that works there seems to know everything about what is going on and they are super helpful.  

By the end of the day today, please have your #observeme info outside your door.  I have included a couple of examples for you to see.  I am excited about us getting started with the September peer observations.  I think we will learn so much from these and be better educators because of it.  

Don't forget to nominate your class for Captain's Crew if they are deserving and put your Student Leader of the Week on the Monday morning slide.  

Keep up the good work teaching, practicing and reinforcing the Essential 55 rules.  I can tell a huge difference - especially with the yes ma'ams and excuse me's.  It makes my heart happy to see our kids practice these good habits.  

We are back to Panther Time and PLC's next week.  Please bring MAP data with you to that meeting.

On Monday, Michelle Bell will be up in the SACC room on the 2nd floor to record each person doing their "I Believe in You" Challenge.  Sometime during the day on Monday, go get your child and take them up there to do your video.  Really think about what you want to say to them - I believe it will be so meaningful to them and may need to be exactly what they need to hear. 

Also - if you are the supervisor of a school-wide leadership job, please meet with your students next week to go over their job responsibilities and make a schedule for them.  

Next Week at a Glance...
Monday - mid-term grades should be posted by the end of the day
SBDM meeting at 4 pm
Wednesday - mid-term reports go home
3 pm - Smack Down PD for 3rd and 4th grade teachers
Thursday - iFamily at 5 pm
Friday - Artful Reading people here to meet with teachers in that cohort

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