Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday Focus - September 21, 2018

It is so hard to believe that Fall Break is only one short week away, the first nine weeks is almost over and a fourth of this school year is already gone!  

I am seeing great things as I visit classrooms and from feedback gathered from peer observations - I know you are too!  As you go into classrooms to observe and gather evidence around the teacher's guiding questions - go in with an open mind.  I think this is going to be such a positive experience because we all have so much to learn from one another.  As you see good things, ask yourself what you can take away from the observation and apply to your own classroom.  Thanks to all those that have already completed your peer observation for September and shared your feedback with me.  For those who haven't yet, put that on your calendar for next week.

Things to Remember....
-Please send home the certificate with your Student of the Week today and add their name to the Monday morning slide.
-If you would like to add your class to the Captains Crew nominations, please do that today on the Monday slide.
-All house point sheets need to be in to Kelli by Monday morning.
-Please bring CPA data to our PLC meetings next week

Next Week at a Glance....
Monday - 
Tuesday- Artful Reading Module 2 distribution
               -Soil Conservation Day for 5th grade
               -Mobile Dairy unit will be here
               -Action Team meeting in the library at 3
Thursday - last night of iFamily
Friday - Special Day (morning celebration for 4th and                      5th graders for KPREP achievement and                            Pod/Houses for lunch and the rest of the                            afternoon)
             -Wear House shirts on Friday
             -more details will be sent this weekend about the                events for Monday

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