We watched one of these videos on Opening Day at the high school of where staff selected a student and told them how they believed in them. At CCES, we are going to call this the "I Believe in You" Challenge. I am challenging all adults who work here to select one student you believe in and think about what you want to tell them about why they were selected. On Monday, August 27th, you can go get this student on your planning (or another time for those who don't have a planning) and we will have a location set up and someone there to video. You can select any student - any grade. When you decide who your student will be - put their name here so a student doesn't get selected more than once. I think this can be very powerful for some of our students!
Certified Evaluation and Professional Growth
I am attaching the CEP here for you to look over. I am also including an evaluation schedule for the year. Remember - everyone receives some form of observation every year. If you have questions about the evaulation process, please let me know. We will discuss next week at PLC's. Also - I am attaching a form here that you need to complete once you have reviewed the CEP and the evaluation schedule. Please click here and fill out the form.
Also it is the time of the year when we fill out our Professional Growth Plans. Please take time to really think about what you can do this year to help you grow and become a better teacher. Does your instruction need to be more rigorous? Do you feel like you need to improve on aligning your activities to the standards? Do you struggle knowing how to formatively assess your students and then adjust instruction? Is classroom climate an area of needed growth? I don't want our PGPs to be just another document we fill out for compliance. Take time to think about how you want to grow as a teacher this year. Make a copy of the PGP form from above, fill out and share with me by August 30th.
Our classrooms are filled with good teaching. I see it everyday. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. I believe that some of the best professional learning we can have can take place from sharing with each other. Beginning in September, we are going to begin an initiative called #observeme. Everyone will post outside their classroom door an instructional area that they are working to make better. I am going to ask each teacher to spend a few minutes of their planning one day a month to go observe someone else. The #observeme info posted outside the door will let them know specifically what that teacher is working to improve on and how they can give them truly helpful feedback. So - for now - as you think about your PGP - how will this play into #observeme?
Please put your House Point totals in Ms. Kelli's mailbox by Monday mornings.
Monday morning we will recognize the Leaders of the Week from this week. Hopefully you sent the certificate home with them today. Please add their name to the Monday slide on the morning announcement slideshow. They will get their picture made at assembly and come to the office to pick out a prize from the treasure box.
Please also add your homeroom's name to the Monday slide if you would like to nominate them for Captain's Crew for good assembly behavior.
Panther Time and PLC's begin next week - each teacher needs to come to PLC one day next week.
Next Week at a Glance...
Tuesday - TransAmerican reps will be here to talk to teachers/staff during the day
3:15 21st Century meeting in the cafeteria
Wednesday - 3:00 Action Team meeting in the cafeteria
Thursday- Modern Woodmen reps here to talk to teachers/staff during the day
Friday - AR Summer Celebration at 1:00
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