Friday, August 10, 2018

August 10, 2018

Yesterday was undoubtedly the smoothest first day I have ever experienced.  Thanks to all of you for making that happen.  

What is your One Word for the year?  Mine is JOY and I want all of you to keep me accountable to that word.  If you see me and I need a reminder about what attitude I need to choose - give me one.  We can hold each other up and make each other better.

Continue teaching expectations and procedures.  PRACTICE THOSE until the students have them. I have  seen this these past two days - THANK YOU!

Beginning next week - start collecting house points in the sheet.  Kelli will collect those at the end of the week.  

Also we will not have Panther Time or PLC's this week.  We will begin those on August 20th BUT remember - students are working next week to earn their Panther Time for the week of the 20th!

STAR, Core and SNAP testing continues next week.  We have extra help assigned to the lower grade levels.  Let's work diligently to get this complete.  


Next Week at a Glance...

Monday- first day of Morning Assembly.  We will sit where we sat last year (Mandy and Nancy - ask your grade level folks to show you).
-AR goal period begins
-SBDM meeting at 4 pm

Tuesday  - Kona Ice truck will be here.  I have fixed a schedule for grade levels to go out.  I don't think there is anyway we can get everyone out there and through the line just during recess time.  Let's try the schedule below and if it is too big of a disruption to instruction - you all let me know and we will make changes.
      1130 - 2nd grade (special class teachers will              take)
      1200 - 1st grade
      1230 - Kindergarten (special class will take)
        100- 3rd grade
        130 - 4th grade
        200 - 5th grade
        230 - Little Panthers

Wednesday - HOUSE COLOR DAAll students (except k) should wear their house color for the day.  There shirt from last year is fine or they can just wear a shirt of that color.  Same thing for staff.
1:45 - House Meeting in gym for K and New student reveal
3:00 - Leadership Team meeting in Lisa's office

Thursday - Gretchen with Eden Layne Boutique will be here all day with truck so teachers/staff can go out and shop.  More details soon about sales and drawings. 

Friday - 1:00 AR Summer Reading Celebration - We will need help from non-homeroom teachers that afternoon.   

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  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...