Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday Focus - April 27th

If you feel anything like I do, this picture describes it perfectly.  This time of year it feels like the wheels are moving faster than we can possibly go.  Our calendar is full and we only have a few more days to get it all done.  But - there is one thing I know - we will get it all accomplished.  Hang in there!

Use these last few days to dig in and cover the last bits of content that need to be covered.  Review material that you know students need to hit again.  And above all else - continue to give our students the love and encouragement that they need everyday.  

Several bus drivers have reported that students are bringing candy on the bus and making a mess with it.  I don't have any idea where they would be getting all the Mike and Ike's from - 😉.  It is probably a good idea to only give them candy that they can eat there in class or at snack and have them dispose of it before they leave of an afternoon.  I know firsthand the mess that those little candies can have in a vehicle - I sucked about 50 up in the vacuum the other night down at the car wash. 

Gretchen Bryant will be bring Pearl to CCES on Tuesday.  She will be parked at back all day and will be giving a discount to our staff.  Go out and shop on your planning!

Congrats to our teacher SBDM members for the 2018-19 school year - Andrea Parson, Candi Graves, Erika Murphy and Kara Wilbert.  Candi Graves will be serving as the minority representative.  

Look at the Living Calendar daily - lots of activities going on. Also - add info for your grade level.

No Panther Time for the rest of the year!

Be collecting old people outfits and things - we will explain more later.  It will be for our KPREP Kickoff on Friday afternoon.  We need ALL STAFF to participate!


Next Week at a Glance...
Monday - Sack lunches in homerooms at 11.  
Watching Wonder in Houses and discussing in pods. All info for this House meeting can be found here.  
Tuesday - Panther Lab trip
KPREP Kickoff Performance practice - 3 pm in gym
Wednesday - KPREP Kickoff Performance practice - 3 pm in gym
Thursday - 1:00 200 Vocab Word Party
Friday - No Special Class today - AMAZING RACE FOR 3RD - 5TH GRADE
2:00 KPREP Kickoff in the gym for all grade levels - more details to follow soon

Let's finish strong!!!!!!!

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  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...