Friday, February 9, 2018

Friday Focus - February 9th

Family Learning Night/Student-Led Conferences was a huge success last night with well over 200 students and their families attending.  Many parents made the comment about how impressed their were with their child's leadership notebook and how much they knew about their own learning.

We've been in school 3 whole weeks - that is an accomplishment!  

The countdown is on - we have SEVEN weeks before Spring Break and FOUR weeks between that break and KREP.  ELEVEN week of instruction left!  

Several teachers have mentioned wanting to do Panther Labs again this year.  For those who don't know, Panther Lab is a volunteer program we run after school during February and March.  We target 3rd, 4th and 5th graders who need extra help in the tested areas.  This is totally voluntary from staff but greatly appreciated.  It is also voluntary with the students but we usually reward those students who attend a majority of the sessions with a special trip at the end of the year.
-I need to hear from staff members who are willing to volunteer to tutor during that time.  It can be Monday, Tuesday or Thursday from 3-4 pm.  You will receive planning time for this.  Please email me the day and grade level/subject area you would be comfortable with if you are willing to volunteer.  Please let me know at the beginning of next week.  

-Don't forget to turn in ONE STUDENT'S complete SLED day work for each SLED Day 2-8 per grade level.  I need your highest quality work.  I have to turn that in to be submitted to the state.  
-Also, at PLC's this week it was suggested that we move the 4th round of STAR testing back to the first week of March.  I have made this change on the Living Calendar.  

A teacher had mentioned that they were doing Valentine's for their pod members.  Definitely not mandatory - but thought it was a good idea and I wanted to share.  

********5th grade Mini Society Next Week

Next Week at a Glance....
Monday - SBDM meeting at 4 pm
                 Kidz Klub at 5 pm
Wednesday - Valentine's Day special snack
                       House meeting afterschool for those who                           want to stay and plan - 3 pm
Friday - Super Reader Ballgame

Have a great week!

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  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...