Sunday, February 4, 2018

Friday Focus - February 2nd

It was a great week for CCES Jr. Beta - they had more wins than ever before!  I know last week was tough with so many teachers being out of the building.  Thank you to everyone who pitched in to make the week go smoothly.

We will be having Panther Time and PLC's this week so be prepared for those.

Good luck to our CCES Academic Team who will be participating in District Governor's Cup on Tuesday and Friday.  

Last week for Book Fair.  

Also - no 21st Century this week so make sure those students know how they are getting home each afternoon.  

Next Week at a Glance...
Monday - Shine Brighter Day
Tuesday  - Shine Brighter Day 
                -  FPS and Written Composition students                        compete
Wednesday - CCES Microslicing - district                                      administrators will be in the building                          doing brief observations
                     - Lighthouse Team meeting at 3 pm
Thursday -   Family Learning Night from 4-6 - 
                    Send home reminds about this and                            encourage students to attend.  
                   - Circus Field Trip for a select group of                        students
Friday -        Baked Potato Bar fundraiser for                                Sunshine Committee - more details to                      follow later

Have a great week!

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  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...