First round of MAP testing is pretty much complete and I know everyone is breathing a sigh of relief because it is over! I know there were several issues with internet connectivity and the actual site either kicking students off or totally being down. We need to address those issues before the next round of testing because I believe they do affect the validity of our test results. Homeroom teachers - please send us an email letting us know about testing situations that worked and didn't work. We want to try to correct as many of those issues as we can. We will also be contacting MAP about correcting issues that came directly from them - we pay thousands of dollars to get this testing service and it simply was not what it should have been the last time. Thank you for being patient through that process.
As for results - they are all over the place. We have spent time looking at them and need to make a plan to move forward. Our youngest students have a hard time with computerized testing just because it is totally new for them. We are confident some of those scores will go up dramatically next round just because students will be more familiar and comfortable using a computer. We also need to make sure students understand the importance of the test and giving their best effort. Not only will we reward students next round for their performance on the MAP, but they need to know that decisions about RTI are made by these results!
Our goal is that each grade level has 60% proficient and distinguished in both reading and math. This is a very doable goal.
Points to think about:
1. First graders are rocking it out - over 60% P/D in reading and almost there in math. Keep working with those first graders and remember to keep pushing them. The next round of testing will be more difficult as cut scores for NAPD move.
2. Kindergarten scores are not where we want them but we will see a drastic improvement by next time.
3. Many other grade levels are approaching the 60% range! Keep working and pushing our students every single day.
You - as the teacher - are the driving force and single most important factor when it comes to student learning.
We read the research a couple of weeks ago during PLC's. "Research is clear. It shows that an effective teacher builds as much as 1 1/2 years of learning in every school year - ineffective teachers generate as little as a 1/2 year of learning each school year. If a student has a poor teacher two years in a row, he or she isn't prone to recover."
If that doesn't motivate each one of us to come in and give it our best every day - nothing will. And we can't discredit the research - parents in this building told of multiple accounts with their own children that back this research up. What you do matters and what you don't do matters! I know that it can be frustrating to have students who come to you behind - but you can move them up and make a difference!
Bathroom Spruce Up
One of the projects that we want to undertake with our Fall Festival funding it to spruce up our student bathrooms. For those of you who were not here, a few years ago we did a staff competition to redo our student bathrooms. People were assigned groups and then competed to have the winning bathroom. We actually completed the work over the Martin Luther King Jr. weekend that year. Several staff members have mentioned doing something like this again and I think it is a great idea. Each team will have a budget to spend on supplies for their redo. I am asking ALL STAFF to complete this form about our bathroom project.
On Friday the 28th, we plan on spending a big part of the day in our pods celebrating our 4th and 5th graders work on the KPREP last year. My thought is to have an awards assembly for them about 10 am and then spend the rest of the day in pods. If you have suggestions about things we could do that day, let me know!!!!!!
Taking care of yourself and spending time doing things you enjoy is important! It makes us happier and better people overall. One of the things we discussed this summer during our opening day was how we all need to set aside more time to do things for ourselves and that we enjoy. So..... we are going to purposely try to plan some activities pretty regularly to give all of us that opportunity. Of course, all these activities are optional but we hope everyone can join us. Here are the first two opportunities...
1. movie night - Friday, September 21st at 6 pm. We will go put on our comfortable clothes and gather back here at CCES (or someone's house if anyone wants to volunteer) to eat and watch a movie. We can all pitch in a few dollars and order take out. We could even look into getting child care for our kids if that is needed. I will send out an email later today to gather info.
2. The Lighthouse at Sulphur Wells - Thursday, October 11th we will leave after school and travel to The Lighthouse to eat dinner together.
CPA's begin next week as well as Grandparents Breakfast for kindergarteners on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Next Week at a Glance...
Tuesday - Artful Reading - Classroom Visits
1130 - 2nd grade (special class teachers will take)
1200 - 1st grade
1230 - Kindergarten (special class will take)
100- 3rd grade
130 - 4th grade
200 - 5th grade
230 - Little Panthers
Jason Lindsey Family Science program from 3-5
Wednesday - 3:00 Leadership Team in Lisa's office
Thursday - iFamily at 5 pm
Have a great week! Only two more until Fall Break!