Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sunday Shout Out - December 2, 2018

Sunday Shout Out it is when the Friday Focus doesn't get done on Friday!   

Ten days to go and our year will be half over!  It will be a busy couple of weeks but a lot of fun for our kids.  Hang in there!

I just want to say how proud I am of our students and all of you all.  I am amazed at all the accomplishments they are making.  We have students becoming Super Readers, blowing vocabulary out of the water, zooming through Lexia and Math Whizz and the list goes on.  Our students only do this because you all have high expectations for them and continue to push them daily to set goals for themselves.  Keep up the good work.  

STAR testing this week.  Remember to have conversations with the students about their goal to be on grade level or make .6 year's growth since their August score.  We will have celebrations next week for those meeting their goal - free time and chocolate chip cookies!

Lower grades are also completing the second round of Core and SNAP testing.  This testing is time consuming but gives us valuable information about how students are progressing.  

Also - if you do not do your peer observation for November - remember to do it sometime during the next couple of weeks.  Only one required for both November and December.

Next Week at a Glance
Tuesday - 5th grade Nursing Home trip at 1
Kitty Carter - insurance rep will be here in the afternoon
Ketones Mixer in Lisa's office at 3
Thursday - Fire Drill 
Ron Clark Academy visit for Mandy, Paige, Kayla and Sarah
Friday - Deadline for 100 Vocabulary points
4th grade Nursing Home trip at 1
RCA trip
Jr. Beta Christmas Dance

Have a great week!

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