Friday, August 11, 2017

Friday Update

Here is a little case you've had a rough first week. LOL

     In all seriousness, it has been a wonderful first couple of days of school.  I really couldn't have asked for a smoother couple of days.  Thank you for working as a TEAM to make it go so well.

     I am going to update this blog on Friday and that will serve as the Friday Focus. Remember to check the blog and Living Calendar EVERY DAY.  


*Please be conscientious of lunch drop-offs and pick-ups times.  Even being a minute or two off, throws off the entire schedule.
*It is expected that homeroom teachers will walk classes to and from special class.
*Morning assembly will begin on Monday.  The google doc where you enter recognitions is attached to the Living Calendar.  
*Keep reminding students about returning packets and the $15 supply fee. 
*Keep practicing procedures.  Work on your classroom culture until it is what you want!
*No Panther time nor PLC time next week.  We will begin on August 22nd! Go over with students that guidelines for Panther time. Mr. Nathan is bringing posters to every grade level.  

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  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...