Friday, August 18, 2017

August 18, 2017

Good Friday afternoon!

Just a few reminders as we close out the first full week of school....

-try to finish assessments (SNAP, Core, STAR, etc) during the next couple of weeks. September 1st is the deadline.
-Mr. Nathan sent an email earlier today with a schedule for Tuesday to bring your class to the cafeteria.  Ms. Geanetta and Ms. Loretta want to go over lunchroom procedures.
-update your grade level morning announcement slides.
-Each homeroom should select two dependable students from each homeroom to come get notes from the front office.  They need to come twice a day - once at lunch and once around 2:15.
-We have set a date of October 13th for our Fall Festival.  We will do baskets to auction as well as homeroom memorabilia.  We will also do the CCES Prince and Princess contest.  Start thinking of ideas for this is our biggest fundraiser of the year.  
-Show on the Road compliance trainings need to be completed by September 1st.  

And this is Karen modeling the way we should all return to school on Tuesday!

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