Thursday, October 29, 2020

Weekly Update - October 29th, 2020



We are going to begin a 50/50 work schedule to avoid so many people being in the building at one time.  Please do not come to school and work during times that others are here and you are not assigned to work unless you get special permission.  Remember, you are to work each day - whether at home or at school.  It is important that you keep a log of your activities each day while we are on virtual instruction.  If you are classified instructional staff - someone will be letting you know your duties.  

*Friday/Wednesday - the next day that you work - I ask that you deep clean your classroom/work area really well. Clean all highly touched surfaces well.   Janitors will be sweeping and mopping all classrooms tomorrow.  

As you plan virtual instruction, try to continue on with the learning that has been happening in your classroom.  For different grade levels - this looks different.  Do what works well for your students.  We learned a great deal about virtual instruction the first week and a half  - remember those things.  Trying to make contact with students multiple times is a good idea.  

As we go on the next loop of this rollercoaster, work to keep you and your family safe!  Hopefully in a couple of weeks our numbers will be much better here.  

Friday, October 23, 2020

Weekly Update - October 23rd, 2020

Next week our goal is to visit our VIP students.  If you have something that you need delivered to them - please let us know. 

Reminder that peer observation training and the observation itself needs to be complete by the end of the month.  


Everyone probably already knows this but we are allowing students to dress up for Halloween next week.  You can also plan to have special snack on Friday afternoon for Halloween.  Make sure all snacks are store bought. 

This is going to be extended through next week!

We will be having a Pink Out Day on Tuesday for Breast Cancer Awareness!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Weekly Update: October 16, 2020


This week I wanted to spotlight our Family Resource center.  Ms. Kristi works daily communicating with parents about attendance, health issues and needs they may have.  She also works with several community agencies to meet needs in our area.  Please remember you can reach out to Ms. Kristi about any of your students and needs they may have.  

*If a child makes an indication that they don't have enough food to eat over the weekend, you can refer them to the backpack program.

*FRC is also taking referrals right now for the Salvation Army's Angel Tree drive.  Please let Ms. Kristi know about any students who you believe would have little to no Christmas without help.

If you haven't already done so, please have your class complete the STAR test for the 2nd round.  Remember to discuss with students their score last time and their goal for this next testing session.

*2nd AR Goal begins on Monday
*All grades for the 1st nine weeks need to be posted by the end of the day on Tuesday
*report cards go home on Thursday

Have a great week!

Friday, October 2, 2020

Weekly Update - October 2, 2020

I am so tremendously proud of how well this first portion of the school year has went.  There have been so many changes but it has went so well.  That is thanks to you all for the effort you have put into making this year great for our students.  Remember after fall break to continue with all the safeguards we have put in place to stop the spread of illness like handwashing, frequent sanitizing, social distancing and the wearing of face coverings.  


Teachers please do not join the Morning Meeting on Google Meet until 7:32 or after.  I need to be the first person to join the meeting so I am the owner of it.  If another teacher joins first, they become the owner of the meeting and I lose the control to mute participants or kick them out of the meeting.  As we have more and more students at home joining our meetings, it is important that I have those abilities.  

PLC's will meet on Monday and Tuesday when we return.  Please bring your MAP scores with you so we can discuss.  

We will be having an Exact Path training on Wednesday afternoon at 3:15.  I will send you the link to the meeting.  I would like everyone to attend this training.  I think it is going to be another good resource for us to use.

Kona Ice truck will be here on Friday, October 16th.  Please share this with your parents on Remind.   VIP students will  be able to come purchase Kona Ice if they would like.  Social distancing and other guidelines will be in place.

Please take your class out to the Kona Ice truck during your recess time.   Please just stay distanced from other classes while you are out there.  

Hope you enjoy your Fall Break - you deserve a great one!

  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...