Sunday, February 2, 2020

Sunday Shoutout - February 2nd, 2020

Congrats to our Jr Beta students and sponsors for all their achievements at the state Jr Beta Convention last week.  We will be recognizing our winners one day this week at morning assembly.  They are starting on their work for National Convention in Fort Worth, Texas in June!

Don't forget our Panther Store on Monday.  Students will visit during special class.  Please email me if your class choose one of the whole class items.  Also remember - they must use all their Panther Bucks earned from their behavior calendar.  They can only keep actual bucks that they have for next month.


On Wednesday, we will have visitors in the building from Clinton and Wayne counties to conduct a fidelity monitoring visit for our SRCL grant.  They will be visiting different classrooms throughout the day.  

This week our CCES Academic Team will be participating in the district competition which will be hosted here at CCES.  We have Written Comp and FPS on Tuesday during the school day so please be aware that there will be visitors in the building that day.  The rest of the competitions will be on Saturday.  Good luck to our students and coaches - we know you are going to do great!

Also - if you need planning ours - we could use your help on Saturday.  Please let Kelli know if you can help.

 We will begin Panther Labs on Monday, February 10th.  Third, fourth, and fifth grade teachers - please add students to this spreadsheet for the students you would like to invite. We plan on sending home letters to parents at the end of this week.

This Week at a Glance...
-Panther Store 
-Mid-term ends
-FPS and Written Comp competion - 2nd floor computer lab and library
-Kona Ice Day
-Grades posted by the end of the day
-Open Library afterschool
 -Fidelity Monitoring Visit
-Mid-term grades go home
-Super Reader Ballgame

-Governor's Cup competition

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  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...