1. Expectations for student learning were high.
2. In many classrooms, students were doing work above grade level - including reading above level text.
3. There was no hand holding and students rose to the occasion. It was said over and over again that teachers gave minimal instructions but students were able to quickly get to the task. That is attributed to effective practice on classroom procedures.
4. Student talk and student activity clearly outweighed teacher talk and teacher activity.
There were only a couple of areas in which we didn't score exemplary and we scored accomplished in those. One area of growth that seemed to surface during the discussions was for differentiation and we knew that before the monitoring visit. Differentiation is HARD. Above is a list of ways that you can differentiate in the classroom.
I challenge you to really work toward incorporating more of this in these last weeks of school. As you are planning your lessons - think about how you can differentiate the content, text, or activity for the different level of learners in your class. An important thing to remember is to not water the content down for your lowest level. They should work at the level they need to be at. However, how can you push every student to work at a higher level? Step outside your comfort level and try something new. I would love to hear your ideas about what you would like to try.
This week we will be doing the state field testing. Andrea has sent out all the materials in the past couple of weeks. Please be patient as we work out the kinks to this new system. Please be observant as students are testing - this is a great indicator as to what they new testing will be like.
We will be having our Panther store for students to spend their February Panther Bucks on Tuesday, March 3rd. Students will have had the opportunity to earn 16 Panther Bucks from their behavior calendars as well as any extra bucks they've earned. I will send out an email later in the week with more info. The store will basically work like it did last time. We have some new inventory!
Please select your Leader of the Month for February by Friday at add to the slide.
Good luck to our CCES Academic Team as they compete in Regional Governor's Cup on Monday and Saturday! They are going to do great.
STAR Testing
STAR testing is also this week for the 4th time this year. Motivate students to do their very best - we want to see the highest scores of the year. We will be rewarding students who meet their goal with ring pops. Those should be here by Tuesday or Wednesday. I will send an email as soon as they arrive!
This Week at a Glance...
Monday - Live Scoring for 4th grade Science
- Written Comp & FPS competing at Regional
Governor's Cup
Tuesday - 3rd grade Field Testing Day
- Grade Level PLC's
Wednesday - 4th grade Field Testing Day
- Action Team meeting at 3 pm
Thursday - 5th grade Field Testing Day
Friday - AR Goal ends
Have a great week!